Montag, 2. Mai 2011

Fabii, Carneval and Spring Break

So, there's the second post of tonight, since I just feel like writting everything down.

Sunday morning after Prom, when I got up Fabi was in Las Vegas, so I went, for sure, to the Strip to see her :D
After my mom dropped me off at the Luxor I went to find her at the main entrance, which I surely did, it was soooooo amazing to see her after about 8/9 months again, and I was just happy. We walked the Strip, hung out at the Fahsion Show Mall (the one mall in Las Vegas, that is like my home, because I was there soo many times) and for the last thing went to see the water show at the Bellagio. It was an awesome afternoon, and I had some much fun, hearing about all the stuff that happend in Switzerland, since I was gone.

The following Thursday we had CARNEVAL :D
This is an event, organized and executed(:P) by the international club, and since I am a member of that club, I had to be there. So that day, I stayed after school to help put up all the decorations and signs and whatever else, so we would be ready for the people to come in the evening. It was really tiring and sort of boring, but also fun.
At 6 the carneval begun, that means people started to walk in and play the various game we prepared and buy food and drinks. Dion, Juliane and I had to sell water, what a boring job. So no wonder, I went off the booth all the time, to walk around and talk to friends. I had so much fun with Max and those other kids I met. It was a really amazing evening, and I wish I would have had my camera with me to take pictures, but nooo silly Johanna has to forget it, whenever she need it -.-

Well anyways, after the carneval there was only one day of school left until SPRING BREAK. One week off of school, and not really any plans.
So on Monday, Katrin came over to my house and we went to the Fashing Show Mall, with Mom, Nikki and Sierra. We shopped there for a while and then went back home. There Katrin and I went into the pool, and since it got pretty cold, went into the hpttub afterwards, where Nikki and Sierra joined us too. In the evening, we all watched a movie together, one was supposed to be really scay, but it wasn't that bad, and the other one was a romantic comedy. For sure, we didn't went to bed right afterwards, but we painted our nails, it was quite a mission :P but they looked pretty afterwards, so who cares :D
The next morning we for sure slept in, and then in the afternoon Leticia came over to my house, when Katrin was still there. Since the weather was really nice, we went again into the pool, and just kinda hang out. It was a lot of fun :)
So then on Wednesday I didn't do anything, but on Thursday, since two of my mom's friends came to see her in Vegas, we went to the Rio for one night. Lilia came with us as well as Sierra. We went to the pool, but it was kinda cold, and there were too many kids jumping and splashing with water, so we decided to go hang out in the hottub. At about 1 we left to go change, eat lunch and then go to the Nathan Burton Show. It was soo much fun, and we took pictures the whole time. If you get a possibility to go see Nathan Burton, go ahead and do it :D

So the next day we all went home, and for the rest of the weekend, I didn't do anything, execept relaxing, and for sure doing some homework, gosh I hate those!

So, I think you are all pretty much up to date then. I'll write soon again, or maybe a bit less soon, only time can tell :D


Hey guys :D

So, I guess I was supposed to write sooner about PROM, but since I'm kinda lazy it took me about 3 weeks, to finally write about it... I'm sorry, well not really, but you know what I mean.

Okay, now aout Prom:

On Saturday, April 9 I woke up, like it would be a regular Saturday, yeah I know, this is really interesting :P
But you are reading it so shussh :D
Around 2 in the afternoon, my mom started to do my hair and make up, she's amazing! It look so pretty. I absolutely loved my hair and the make-up was really nice too. I did my nails by myself, and everybody who know me, probably think it look horrible, but NO, it didn't. it actually looked really nice, but it took a long while to look like that, and I was REALLY proud of it.
Then around 4:30 my mom drove me to Juliane's house, who was just finishing to get ready. When she was all set with make up and jewellery her host mum drove us to the Olive Graden, where we met all the other girls and Bruno ^^

At olive Garden then we ate, kinda obvious^^, dinner. It was really good, and we had fun. But the coolest thing is to come:

After dinner, we were picke up by a LIMOUSINE! It was sooo cool, but for sure, before we left we all had to take pictures, since, at least I think so, it was the first time for all of us, to drive in a limo. Then we left Olive Graden and went straight to the "Welcome in Las Vegas"-Sign where we took some more pictures, it was soooo much fun.
As next thing on our list, we went to the actual Prom, but not before we got lost, and didn't know how do get to the Groove, the place where Prom actually was. Well in the end we found it and all went to dance. Honestly, it wasn't that great, most of the songs were for couples, so if you didn't have a date, like all of us girls, you couldn't really dance, but anyways. Half an hour before the dance officialy ended we started taking pictures.
And yes, we took an awful lot of picture that evening, but you shouldn't forget it's PROM.

Then we left in the limouusine, to go get to my house. We got lost again...(Gosh, that driver doesn't seem to know where he's supposed to drive to) but anyways, as you can all guess, we ended up savely at my house. There we just hang out for the rest of the evening. Sofia, who stayed for the night, and me even went into the hottub, and afterwards started to put the pictures on facebook until like 4 in the orning, well yeah :D

That was all I have to tell you about Prom, and I have to admit, I am kinda glad to have it written down now, so I have ine thing less to do....