Dienstag, 15. März 2011

Boston =)

Holaa :D

As you all should now, I'm in Boston now, and tomorrow we're already leaving for New York :DD
So yesterday, Monday, March 14th, in the morning I went to the airport, there I checked in, and my tracel to Boston began. It was a five hour flight to New Mark and then a connection flight of 37 to Boston. At the airport, my lovely twinsister was standing right behind the door so when I came out, I was almost thrown onto the floor... From the airport then, we went to QUNICY MARKET to eat dinner and shop a little. It was fun! Then at 9 in the evening we went to the hotel, where we were told with whom we have to share a room. Guess what, I'm in the same room as Fabiola :D and also with Ronja and Ulli. We soon went to bed, since we were all tired.

Today, Tuesday, March 15, we got up at 7:15 and went to breakfast. Then after breakfast it was time to board the bus and go into the city, where we met a tourist guide from Switzerland xD

We walked through the North End and then got into the bus again to drive around the city to see some more sight seeing attraction. Then we went to HARVARD!
The tourist guide told as some facts about Harvard, and then we were free to walk around in Harvard Square for about 2 hours. It was a lot of fun.
The next thing on our list was a short visit of the EF Office, where we met shortly with our representative and then also took a picture, it was actually not even that interesting :P
Then we went to the USS CONSTITUTION. This is a ship used in the Independence war, and unlike other ships, didn't burst, when they were hit by a canon bullet. Today it still is taken out on July 4.
After that short stop, we drove around in the bus for a little longer, seeing some more attraction, for example we stopped at the Battle of Bunker Hill Memorial and BOSTON COMMON, the oldest park in the US.

Around 5:30 we went to eat dinner at a pizza place. I was surprised on how they managed to place 50 people in the small room we had, but somehow they did it.
With a full stomach we went on to the rooftop. That means, we went to the Prudential Building, one of the highest building in Boston, if not even the highest on. There we had time to look around over the whole city and then go down and shop for a bit in the mall beneath the SKYWALK platform.

At 8:45 we went back to the hotel, where we're now just hanging out after a quite exhausting day =D
Tomorrow at 8:30 we're leaving here to go to NEW YORK :DD

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