Dienstag, 12. April 2011


Hellouu there :D

So, after I returned from my trip at the east coast, I got to know my hostfamily better, and I have to admit, I love them! I really enjoy my time here, and somehow I wish I could stay a bit longer, than I actually do. Well, I can't :(

On the first weekend in April, YFU Las Vegas had a trip to Los Angeles, mostly organised by my dad. So this made it possible for me to go with them. It was awesome!

On Friday after school, we left Las Vegas for the 5 hour drive to LA. We were the first car of 3 to arrive there. When we were settled down in our rooms, we were looking for something to eat, but it was already past 9, so most of the restaurants were closed. But the nice man at the registrar gave us the menu of a delivery service that was still delivering. So we ordered food, mmhhhh, food *.*
The rest of the group arrived before our food arrived. They were all really nice, and I even met a girl who goes to the AKSA, and lives in Reinach. Well that was fun :D

So, on Saturday morning we got up and left the hotel at 8 am to go to the beach. It was windy and kind of cold, so nobody went swimming. But most of us got theur feet wet, since the waves unexpectedly jump on us, whil we were tajing a picture. I think they didn't like us too much :P
After the beach we went to a DODGERS baseball game. It was a lot more interesting to me, than the first one I saw, while in Norwich. There was not much more happening, and the Dodgers lost 0:10 but it was fun. We got unlimited food for free (it was included in the ticket^^) and we saw Nick Jonas. He was projected on to the big screen and then we went looking for him with binoculars and eventually found him all the way on the other side of the stadium. We saw him though :P
When the Dodgers lost (agains the Gians, btw), we left the stadium and made our way to the Walk of Fame. It sounds so glamorous and all, but it actually isn't. It's just and old, boring street with some Stars on the ground. But nevertheless it was really interesting to see and I had a lot of fun.
We got back to the hotel at aroun 8:30, so this time, there was enogh time to go get something to eat, with any problems. But most of us had leftovers from the evening before anyways.

On Sunday morning we checked out and left the hotel at 8:40 and not like planned at 8. Since the GPS we used, didn't really work the way it was supposed to, we neede almost the double of time to get where we wanted. We ended up not going there in the end, because we had to get to the Universal Studios in time, to avoid a long line.

The Universal Studios were awesome! The actual Studio Tour was really entertaining and afterwards we went to a coupke of rides and other shows, all about movies. One was about special effects and another was about the animals used in the movies. Even though I had a lot of fun, it was all very tiring, and when we left in the late afternoon I was almost glad about it. But before we went home, we actually went to that place, we didn't go in the morning. It was just a platform where from you could se the whole city of Los Angeles and also the Hollywood sign, everybody knows :D

After that we went on our way back to Las Vegas. It was a nice, long trip and we all, except Dad, slept. We arrived around midnight at home, and after I dank something I went straight to bed. Nevertheless I missed the bus the next morning.

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