Mittwoch, 24. November 2010

Blahbla =)

Well I just decide to make a short update =)
Living with Selin is great, and she is a little bit like my twin sister, what I really like. The sad thing is just, that I talk too much German with her... But that's how it is now, and it doesn't look like it would change (I know, if I would like to, it would be possible to change, but it is also sort of comforting to speak German^^.
Last Weekend we actually didn't go to the game, like we're planned, we change plans and went to the Fashion Show Mall. This was sort of pointless, because we went there, so Selin could see Nils. Nils was with another hostfamily coming from Moapa to Henderson for some reason, and then they were supposed to be in the Mall at 1... Hmmm.. Selin and I arrived there at 2 and they were still in Henderson, but we're just leaving Henderson. So Selin was really looking forwar to see Nils again, but we had to wait another 2 hours, due to the continuing changin of plans... The first change was, that they would go home, then they change to going to Walmart first, then they went to eat at Panda Express, then they wanted to go to a shoe store and a friend, then they decided to go to the "Welcome in Las Vegas" shield (which I still haven't seen yet...)to hang out there for 30 min, then they came to the most intelligent reason, not to come to the mall, which was "it's raining" (they would be inside the mall, so what does it matter? but anyway) then they finally decide to com to the mall shortly, that Selin and Nils could see each other though, first 1 minute, then half an hour and in the end, they stayed 1 whole hour. This resulted that Selin and I were at the mall 7 hours, 1 hour seeing Nils and 6 hours of walking around, without buying anything... Isn't that awesome?

So for all who don't know it yet, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, that means we have 2 days (Thursday and Fryday) off of school. Since my hostmother doesn't want to make a big family party, Selin and I are going to Itzel's house. Itzel is a mexican girl, we know from school. It sounds like it's going to be fun =)

On Friday then is Black Friday, and that's just awesome. It's going to be the most chaotic, stressful day in the year, regarding shopping. On Black Friday in almost all the shops there are sales up to 70% off, so everybody goes shopping, which results in a huge mess and probably also some fights^^ Nevertheless we're going there as well, so I probably going to be K.O. in the evening, but that's how it is supposed to be :P

So I'm going to write to you again probably on Sunday, after all the exciting stuff around Thanksgiving.

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