Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010

Goodbye :'(

There are only two weeks until I leave for the US. But yesterday was the last day school and also the last time I saw most of my friends before leaving Switzerland.
Last Saturday I made a little Goodbye-Party, with almost my whole class and it was a very very nice evening.
Yesterday I got a book from my class, in which every member of the class wrote at least one page. It so cool, an I will absouletely surely take it to the United States.

This morning some friends (Fabii, Tabsi, Gia, Fränzi and Domi) and I went to Paul, because today it's his birthday. Before we went to watch the "Maienzug", this is a yearly festival in Aarau where all students (only to the 9th class) walk in all white clothes throug the town.

Afterwards I had to say Goodbye, because I won't see them again before leaving. I already miss them, even if they just walked out the door half an hour ago :'(.

This Afternoon we will leave for Holland. We will take my sister, who just finished an exchange year there, home, but before we will have one week to explore Holland =).

Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010


Today I wrote with my "not-to-be-arrival mom" (I know it sounds quite stupid, bit I don't know how to say in another way :), just read on and you will know why I wrote it that way), so she told me a while ago that they aren't hosting this year and today, that they aren't even an arrival family...
When I asked my RC for somemore information she told me that they are still my arrival family. But I'm on the IEC's priority list of students, that need an host family as soon as possible.
So in the end I'm just really confused, because I'm not at all sure about what's going on. But at least if everything goes wrong, I can go to my not-to-be-arrival family.

Hope it will get clearer when I'm leaving

Freitag, 18. Juni 2010

First post

Hey you =)

So first of all I tell you something about myself. I'm a fifteen year old girl from Switzerland. I like hang out with friends, unicycling, reading, watching TV, cooking (especially with my twin sister) and a lot more. I have got a brother and two sisters.

I made this blog, because I'll do a high school year in the US. I will leave on July the 17th/18th to the Language and Culture Camp in Norwich and afterwards I will move to my arrival family in Las Vegas. =)

I'm quite excited now because it's only a month left to go. But I've have school until July the 2nd, and then I'm going to the Netherlands for one week. So I can't think about it too much.

In this blog I will tell you all my experience during my high school year and I hope I can keep it up. =)