Montag, 26. Juli 2010

Update =)

Hey you =)
A short update what was going on at camp:
Yesterday we were at lake Champlain, an hour ago form the Norwich University. Only a few people went swimming, because it was quite cold and very very windy, although the water was warm.

This morning we started school as usual at 9 o'clock. After the last lesson (finished at 3 o'clock) we only had one hour free time. In this hour we and my room mate Kathi made laundry. For the first time in our live all alone!!!! I think we succeeded, even if we haven't fold the laundry yet. After doing the laundry we went to the BBQ where we had only around half an hour to eat, because we had to be at the buses at 4:40.
You may wonder now, why buses, you want to know? Seriously? OK, I tell you: today we went to a BASEBALL GAME. This may sounds exciting, but it wasn't even that cool. I liked the cheering (almost only from EF teachers, returnees and some students) but the game was boring. THe worst thing about it was: the Lakemonsters lost! (OK, I actually know nothing about baseball, except the most important rules, but the Monsters were the hometeam in Burlington and we "had" to cheer for them.)

So, now after I checked the rooms, I will go to sleep. The camp is not that hard, but still exhausting enough to get tired, when you don't go to bed by time!

Sleep well & good night

PS: I forgot something to mention! Today we pranked Pam (current issue teacher) and April, our lovely home room teacher! But unfortunately it didn't worked that well, because the paper we put them on the back, felt down too soon. At least it was fun and definitif worth to try it!

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