Freitag, 30. Juli 2010

Last Post while the camp =(

HEy there=)
Today is the last day in camp, unfortunately =(. These two weeks were seriously one of the best weeks in my life! I made alot of new friends and had a lot of fun. I will miss you guys!!!!!
There are no activities today do I have lots of time to post something =).
Yesterday evening Kathi and me made our suitcases until after midnight and then we started to watch High School Musical Senior Year, but after an hour we already stop, because we were just too tired and went to sleep.
I get up like 8 o'clock to go to breakfast and afterwards we went to school. But school wasn't like usual. In homeroom we signed each others Gator shirts. In the other classes, we only had 15 minutes in each, we said goodbye to the teacher just hung out a little bit. After the last class (Pam's class) we went to the stairs near the cafeteria with all the other Gators and made a big group photo.
After taking the photo we were free until 2 o'clock. So we had like 3 hours lunch time, but also some time to finish packing our suitcase.

After lunch we went to homeroom wher we got the last information about cleaning the room, the dance, boarding the buses to the airport and the flight itself. April, our wonderful homerroom teacher gave each one of us a magnet with a photo of the whole home room class.

In like half an hour I will go to dinner and then get ready for the "End of Camp Dance". After the dance we have some time to get back to our room and take our cabine luggage with us and then we have to wait in the Kreitzberg areena until our buses leave. Mine will leave at 3:15 so i have to wait there for about 4 hours. fortunately I'm not flying from Boston, but from Burlington, which is only 1 hour away from Norwich and not like 3 hours like Boston. Anyway my plane will leave at 6:00 am and I will fly to NEW YORK (I have to wait there for 3 hours, long enough to get bored, but too less to go in to the city) From New York I will then get to my last flight to LAS VEGAS. But I still have no host family and I can't get in touch with Wendy to tell her that I have to go to them, to be honest, it looks like Wendy isn't even at home... Therefor I was at the office to talk to Melissa, she's a member of the Boston Office, and told her, what's going on. She said that she will figured it out and I have to go to her befor dinner again. I seriously hope that she's got some good news for me.

So, I will now go to the office and afterwards I will go to dinner with Ella, Sila, Jenny, Julia and maybe some more.

I will post again, as soon as I got a family to live with.

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