Sonntag, 19. September 2010


Hello =)

I'm sorry that I hadn't posted anything so long, but I just didn't feel like writing and was also quite busy with school and all the other stuff. But today I decided that it's time to do another post.

Becaus it's almost 3 weeks since my last post, I have a lot to tell you and I will probably make 2 post, but yeah, we'll see.

Wow, that's cool. After a week of school already a 3-day weekend. On Saturday I was quite bored, because Lorena was the whole day at a workshop. So all I could do, was staying at home, be on the computer, watch Tv, etc. When I was too bored even to watch TV, I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies. They are yummi =)Soon after Lorena came back and we just ate dinner and watch a little bit more of TV.
On Sunday then, Lorena took me to the International Market. That was fun. We just wandered through the store for about 3 hours, and still didn't saw everything, it's just huge. But I had a lot of fun, to see all the diffrent foods from all over the world. And I discovered "OVALTINE" and some huge cooking pan and spoons (see pictures).

On Tuesday the second week of school began. I met up with the German girl Juliane everyday before school, and on every A-day also at lunch. At lunch Claudette joined us as well, she's a 15 year old freshmen at Centennial and I met her on my first day.
On Thursday I also met Selin, she's from Germany and is here with EF, like me.

The next weekend Lorena took me to the Rampart Casino for lunch, and we had planned to go to the cinema afterwards. But after lunch we still had 1 hour to go until the movie started, so we decided to walk around the hotel a bit. The "garden" was so beautiful, it was all green with some trees, and also some waterponds. We also were inside the hotel and stop at the shop, just to see what they offer. In the end, we needed longer than an hour, and Lorena had to go buy something in a shop near the Rampart, so we ended up going home, instead to the cinema. The day was great though.

In the 3rd week of school I met some more exchange students and I actually like going to school by now. I figured out, that geometry is way to easy for me, so I went to see my teacher and asked him what I should do. He told me I should go to the counselor and ask her, if I could sort of try out algebry 2 for a week or something, to see if it would be too hard for me (on the vocabulary basis). I haven't met up with my counselor yet, it seemed like she wasn't around, so I will go to the counselor office tomorrow again.

The 3rd week was only 4 days for me. This is so, because I had to go to the mandatory EF Orientation Camp at the Fox Trail Camp on Mt. Charleston. In the beginning I didn't want to go there, because I would miss a day of school, and because I had the suspicion, that they're going to tell us all the stuff they told us before on the Orientation Meeting in Switzerland and the L&C camp. But in the end I looked forward to it, because I would see Kathi and Julia again.

So on Thursday when I came back from school I just packed my things for camp and then Lorena and I went to pick up Kaori and Alina, to go to camp. Fox Trail Camp is a girls scout camp up in Mt. Charleston. All the exchange students were split up in cabins of 12/13 people.
The first evening we just ate dinner and then we went making smorres on a campfire. It was very freezing outside, unless you were near the fire.
The next day we got up at 7. After breakfast we had our first OM (orientation meeting). It was about 2 hours, and very boring. There were even some students fallen asleep. After the meeting we had some free time and also lunch. Then in the afternoon we had some more Orientation, in 3 diffrent groups, called break up session. In one of the groups we played Apple to Apple, a quite funny game. In the evening after dinner, we had a dance. It was quiet fun, but already ended at 10pm.
Then on Saturday, the last day of camp, we had another break up session. The informatif part was boring like ever before, but the game part was a lot of fun. We played 3 diffrent games. One of them was called "When you can't do this, then you're dumb, dumb, dumb". It was so funny. After the break up session, my cabin finally started to prepare the country presentation for the evening, my cabin had Spain. We didn't need too long. After lunch we had free time, and almost all the girls in my cabin were together in our cabin, just talking about everything.
Then around 4:30 the parents arrived and we had to go to down to the main building, to welcome them and get ready for the presentation. The presetations were pretty cool and very funny to watch.
After the presentation we ate dinner, and then Lorena took me back home.
My suspicion that all the information is going to be the same as in Switzerland and the L&C camp was absolutely right. The camp was awesome though, becuase I had a lot of fun and met a bunch of new people.
On the picture you see the whole group of the EF exchange student in Las Vegas, Mesquite and Moapa Valley, and the main building of the Fox Trail Camp:

Today I went lookin for shoes with Lorena, I found to pairs =). After we bought my shoes, we went to a Halloween store. This is something typical American I would say. A Halloween store is a shop, which opens just around Halloween with a lot of costumes and Halloween decoration. I try out several mask, and Lorena had fun taking picture of me, so I decided I'll share on with you:

That's already it. I decided I leave it in on pieces even though it's pretty long. But on this way it's less confusing (don't ask me why, i just needed a reason :P)
I try to post more often, so the posts won't be too long.

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