Dienstag, 31. August 2010


Hey you =)
So Yesterday I had my first schoolday at an American High School. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? But I tell you, it is only exciting for the first 15 muntes, afterwards it was boring. Why? Well you're going to see, when I tell you more about my first schoolday:
I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning. That's pretty early, especially for me. But anyway. I left home at 6 o'clock, to go to the schoolbus-stop. My schoolbus left at 6:21 and arrived at school around 6:45. The first hour in school was homeroom. We got our schedule and all the information about A and B days, lunchtime and all this stuff. After homeroom I had Geometry, but only for half an hour: All we did in this class, was sitting on our table, waiting for the teacher to call our name, going to the teacher so he could sign our schedule, go back to our seat and then wait for the rest of the class. After Geometry it was the same at U.S. History. My next class was Myth&Folklore, and it was the first class we didn't only wait. The teacher explained the classroom rules. Not that interesting, but still better than just waiting. After Myth I had Drawing, it was actually once again the same, but it wasn't as noring as before, because the girl on my table was very talkactive, so I had to speak with her. She was very nice. Then I had Japanese, it's somehow quite strange, but not really noring. The teacher as well explained the rules and gave us a sheet with the course expectation on it.
Then I had lunch. For only half an hour. While I was waiting in the line, I met Yanisa, a girl I knew from the Volleyball practice. But She went off to sit down with her friends pretty soon. So I started to talk with to other girls, 2 freshmen who were really nice.
After lunch I had Computer Application, American Literature and Chemistry.
Comp App was as boring as Geometry. But American Literature was much better, because we had an Icebreaker. This means the teacher handed out a sheet with sentence like:
someone who's an only child. And then you had to go to your classmates and ask them, and if you found someone who the sentence was true for, he/she had to sign your sheet. So I got to talk to people and I had something to do, which let the 30 minutes pass a little bit faster.
The last class then was Chemistry. The teacher told us something about the grading and all this stuff, but also about himself. It was actually quite funny.
After my last class I had to go to homeroom once again, to hand in the schedule, evry teacher had signed. Then I headed over to the buses and went home.

Today I already had my second day. It was an A-day, so I had Geometry, Myth&Folklore, Japanese and American Literature. Since we now had like one and a half hour each classe, we finally started in all classes, but most of the time it was only about the procedures. Still better than yesterday.
Before Geometry started, I met an other exchange student, from Germany. She's very nice; and on this place I wanted to spot, that we only spoke English with eachother!

So now, I'm going to do my homework!
Good bye

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hi!!I'm from spain n I'm thinking about going next year to the USA with EF,just like u =)so I want to know more about your experience there,the organisation,the host family n that stuff :P
    please write me here so I can talk to u--> reyitas_95@hotmail.com

    thank u!
