Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010

Halloween Weekend \m/

Hey everybody =)
This weekend is Halloween! Isn't that cool, well I think it is.
So, my Halloween weekend already started on Thursday after school. Why? Because of Nevada Day, we haven't had school on Friday. So on Friday I took my time to skype with Fabiola, Cynthia and Natalie. It was great to talk to all of them after quite a long time.
Then after the talk with them, my hostmum took me to the Atomic Museum. This museum is all about the Nevada Test Side. On the Nevada Test Side they tested (what a surprise :P) atomic bombs. I learned some things about it, for example they didn't even inform the people in Las Vegas about the tests. They just were woken up at 5 in the morning because of the shaking of the earth. That's how they found out about the tests...
And because people didn't know about the radioactiv effects, they went to watch the bombs exploding. It became sort of a tourist attraction, and they even elected a MISS ATOMIC BOMB.
In the evening then, I went to Selin for a sleepover. We watched O.C. California and also some Türkish für Anfänger, but her internet didn't really work, so we couldn't watch that much of it.
The next morning when we got up, we ate breakfast and then Juliane's hostfamily came to pick us up and drive us to Town Square. There we went shopping, for around 5 hours. I bought quite a few things, which I actually also needed. After the shopping my hostmum picked us up, to bring Juliane home and me and Selin back to Selin's house. Her hostdad took us then to dinner and the carshow on the parking lot next to the restaurant. Afterwards we went home, to change the car and go to Freemont-Street.
The Freemont-Street is in old Las Vegas and not accessible for cars. There is a lightshow very hour after 8 pm. It was lot of fun and there were some really weird people. Well actually they weren't even that weird, they just wore Halloween costumes and it was a real pleasure to look at all the diffrent costumes, even when there were some, you didn't even wanted to see :P

On Sunday, Hallween was finally here. I went to the EF-Halloween-Party. At 5:45 Selin's hostdad picked me up and we went over to Henderson, where the party was. When we arrived there weren't that many people yet. We ate something before we finally went trick or treating. I got a whole lot of candy and I think I'm not gonna finish them so soon. I really had a great time with all the people, but unfortunately Selin's hostdad was there very soon to give us a ride back home.
If you want to see some pictures, go to my facebook!


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