Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010

San Francisco =)

Hell yeah, I was in San Francisco, isn't that awesome!?

On Thursday evening I went to the airport to meet with all the other EF students going on the trip. After a 1 and a half hour flight we arrive in San Francisco, where we had to wait for the buses to pick us up and bring us to the hotel. When we arrived around 10 o'clock we just went to our rooms and soon after to bed.
The next morning we got up around 7 to get ready before we met for breakfast at 8. The breakfast room was crowded when we came, so we first had to wait 10 min to get a table. After breakfast we went to the sightseeing busstop. But on the way some girls of our group discovered a Staebucks so we had to wait at the busstop for over 30 minutes, because the first bus was already full. This gave us some time to go shopping in the stores right around the stop. All there was, was a shoestore, a camera store and a souvenirshop, with a lot of shirts and sweaters.
The first sightseeing tour was through downtown San Francisco and took about an hour. After this we had 2 hours for shopping and eating lunch, before the second sightseeing tour out to the Golden Gate Bridge began.
We stopped after the Golden Gate Bridge on a parkinglot to make pictures, but we only had about 5 minutes, so I didn't really took that many pictures. After the stop at the parking lot we went to Sausalito, a town where you can't find a house for under $3 Millions, even when the houses aren't that spectacular.
When we came back, we had some more time for shopping and then we went to the Hard Rock Café for dinner. It was pretty expensive and the food wasn't even that tasty. Well yeah, that's life.
After dinner we went for a walk on Pier 39. There were a lot of little stores, but we haven't had enough time to really buy something.
Back in the hotel, we went to our rooms. I wrote some postcards and talked to the other girls in the room, it was funny.
The next day we met half an hour later for breakfast, so it wasn't that crowded and we were sooner finished. Then we went once again to the busstop to make the 3rd sightseeing tour. This one took us out to the Golden Gate Park, a really nice, green (yeah, I miss green plants) and huge park. But we didn't got off the bus, because we would have had to wait 2 hours until the next one would come.
Then we got of the bus at Union Square. A big shopping area, with a lot of expensive stores. We had around 3 hours of free time. My group spent most of the time just sitting in the park and relax a bit. We even discovered that there are plugs next to trees in San Franciso. (We saw a homeless charging his cellphone there^^)
Then after the shopping at Union Square, we went to China Town. Some more shopping, this time mostly cheap souvenirs^^, and finally dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
After we had a very delicious dinner we went to the cablecar stop to get a ride, but infortunately all of them were too full, so we had to walk. When we were near the hotel we had the choice of going back to the hotel or going to the Lombard Street, that's the one with the turns. I decided to go there. We walked down to take some pictures, but thus it was dark, all of them turn out pretty bad. On the way back up, we saw a Strechlimousine stuck in the first turn. It was hillarious, because he needed around 15 minutes to get out again.
The next morning we would have met at 6:30 for breakfast, but in my room nobody heard the alarmclock. So we had to get ready, pack all our things and eat breakfast in 20 minutes... we got it, luckily.
Then after we checked out of the hotel, we went for a walk to the Alcatraztur departing pier. It took us around 40 minutes. After waiting for around an hour, we got on the boat, which took us to Alcatraz. It was really awesome, to see this prison once from the inside. By the way, the view from Alcatraz is just magnificent!
After Alcatraz we had some time left for eating lunch and shopping(once again^^).
Then we went back to the hotel for the buses to takes us to the airport.
While we were waiting for our flight to board, we decided to make a pyramide. It didn't really work to the top, but it was fun though.

After such an amazing weekend, school on monday was even harder, but I somehow survived it without fallin asleep.

You'll here from me sometime around Halloween again, hopefully.


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