Donnerstag, 19. August 2010

Two weeks =)

Heyho =)
I'm here in Las Vegas for two weeks! Unbelieveable!
What happen in these two weeks?
SO at the first weekend I went to the cinema with my wonderful host mum Loreena. We went to see Inception, a very cinfusing movie, and I had to explain it to Lorena, becuase she didn't really got it.
On Monday was Lorena's birthday and her daughter Yolanda invited us for lunch. So we went to the Mirage and after Lunch, Lorena, Aspen (Yoland'y daughter) and I went to Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. It was an awesome day and I had lot of fun.
The next day we went to my High School to get my registration done, and also to the athletic office, to get my sport package. The sports package is actually a form you have to fill out, to get the allowance to do sports at the school.
We also went to the library, to get my a library card.

On Thursday we went once again to my High School, to bring the registration form and the sports package back. In the athletic office they told me, that they are practicing Volleyball at the moment, so I could go home and change and then come again to practice with them.
So I had my first Volley ball practice. It wasn't even that hard, but still exhausting.
On Friday I went there again. The people were all so nice and friendly, I really had fun, and even though I was quite bad at it.

The weekend was pretty boring for me, because my hostmum had to work and I actually could only be at the computer or watch TV... but in the afternoon my host mum took me once again to the cinema, this time we saw "Eat, Pray, Love", Julia Roberts' new movie. It's a good movie, but there is NO action in it.

Well then on Monday went to the Volleyball Try-outs, I had already improved a little bit, and I was quite proud of myself. On Tuesday I had to go to the Try-out again, after the Try-outs, they told us who's in the team and who's not. I wasn't surprised at all, when they announced, that I wasn't. The pnly bad thing about it is, that I actually don't have to do anything until school starts at August 30... so it's once again watching TV, being on the computer or reading.

Oh I forgot to tell you, that I'm going to meet the counselor today at noon, to discuss my classes and all this stuff. I'm quite nervous, because I have no idea, what I have to do there, but luckily Lorena comes with me.

And: Fabiola, my lovely twinsister is travelling today, to her host family in South Dakota, in a little town with a population between 1000-5000 people. A whole different experience than me, but at least the time difference is now only 2 hours, not like before 9 hours. That makes it a lot easier to skype with her =D

Good bye for now

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