Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

South Dakota 3

Heyho =)
My first Christmas in the US was finally here:
So on the morning of the 25th we got up rather early, at least for Fabiola... Well okay, for me too, but it wasn't as bad for me as it was for her. Then we went up and even had to wait, until Sandi and Bill got up. After they got up, Sandi suffed the Turkey, and we helped her. It was so much fun =)
While stuffing the turkey, Sandi started to talk on the phone to some relatives, so we had to wait even longer to open up the presents. But when Sandi, finallly, finished talking on the phone, we started to open the gifts. There were a lot of presents and everybody go a lot of stuff. Then after the present opening we were just hanging out, watching TV or playing games on the iPad.
Around 5 in the evening, we started to eat. It was si yummi, and my first stuffed Trukey =)
Then after eating we we're watching a bit TV and then played again "Apples to Apples". It was a fun night.
On the 26th, we went all the way to Pierre, the state capital. In the capitol there, they had a lot of christmas trees and one of them was from EF South Dakota, and they had a picture of the familiy Figg on it as well. After we saw the tree we went to eat lunch and then went to a museum in Pierre.
Before we went home we went to Walmart, even though we didn't need anything.
The last few days in Rutland weren't that spectacular. Fabiola and Mano had Basketball practice every day, so I stayed at home with Bill and Sandi. I went another time shopping with Bill, and Fabiola and me made Spätzli for dinner.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that Tabea finally set up her webcam and sign up in Skype, so we could talk to her and see her after more than 5 months! It was awesome, especially because Gianna was online too, so we had a conference call with video. It was just perfect!
The last evening we went to Sioux Falls, to watch the light show in one of the malls. It was pretty cool. After the light show we went to Olive Garden for dinner.

The next morning, we got up at 8 in the morning, and made coffee. Bill told us the evening before, we would need to leave at 8:30. But he wasn't up then, so we went wake him up with a cup of coffee, and he told us then, we wouldn't have to leave before 10:00. Thanks for that :P
But we eventually left to Sioux Falls, were we went to eat breakfast at Denny's. They had the most horrible coffee! But anyway, after breakfast we unfortunately had to go to the airport. Saying Goodbye just never gets easier... =(

But hey, I will see Fabiola in March again, when we go to the Discovery Tour!

Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

South Dakota 2

My third day being here:

Thanks to the blizzard, which eventually didn't even hit Rutland itsself, school wouldn't start until 10 in the morning. And since they only wrote Semester test, and Fabiola didn't had to write 2 of the 3 they had today, she didn't had to be at school before 2 p.m.... So we went with Bill to Madison, to the post office, and then to his work place, the Dakota State University. After getting the stuff done in his office, we went to have lunch and then Bill brought us to the school. I actually wanted to go home with Bill, because the Semester test would be really boring for me, but Fabiola wanted me to stay, so I went with her.
We were a bit too early, so we just hung out in the study hall. Then we went to the room, where they took the test, and they started right away. Luckily I could use Fabiola's school computer, and go on to facebook. It was still pretty boring.
After the loong school day^^ Fabiola and Mano had Basketball trainig.
It was interesting to see it once, but after 15 minutes it was enough for me... well the practice was 2 hours. I just lie there and watched them, almost falling asleep, but it was fun though.
The next day I stayed at home with Sandi and Bill, and since we needed some stuff I went shopping with Bill... quite an experience =)
Then the next day we just stayed at home...
In the evening of the 24th Jennifer and Chris, her husband, came over for dinner. Jen is Sandi's daughter. We ate ham for dinner, and then watched some videos. After that we started to play "Apples to Apples". We had a lot of fun, and oh yeah, almost forgot about that, we also opened some presents, well just the one from Jen and Chris but still. Then we went to bed.

Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

South Dakota 1

Hey hey hey hey hey =)=)=)

As you may already know, I'm in South Dakota now =)
Yesterday morning I got up at 4:30 in the morning, finished packing and all that, and then my hostmum drove me to the airport. At the airport I went through the check-in and then waited until we could board....
When I was sitting in the plane I got really really excited, and when we finally departed I knew, that there is no way of not seeing my twin sister again, except if the plane would crash...

After a 2-hours-flight I arrived in Sioux Falls, and I couldn't wait to get out of the plane. But since I was in the back of the plane, I had to wait quite long to get out. I was so nervous when I walked out of the boarding area and I was so happy to hug her after 5 months!
Her family is so cool and I really, really like them! From the airport we went to IHOP, to eat breakfast. It was around noon by the way^^ It was tasty and I was full afterwards. Then we went to the mall in Sioux Falls to buy some christmas presents and other stuff. For dinner we went to the Texas Roadhouse. Since Fabiola and me had birthday the week ago, but I wasn't here, Bill told the waitress I would have birthday. After we finished dinner, I had to sit on a saddle and the whole restaurant sang Happy Birthday. It was kind of embarassing, but they all had fun. At least I got some free ice cream.
After this we went home, it took us about one hour to get to the house, there we just hang out, drank some coffee and then went to bed around midnight. I'm sharing the bed with Fabiola, and as you can imagine, we had to tell each other a lot... We ended up talking until 2 a.m....
The next morning we got up around 7, or later, depends on who exactly you're talking about, to get to school. The school bus drove into the driveway, so we only had to walk a few steps. As soon as I entered the school bus, the bus driver said: "Welcome to South Dakota, Johanna." It was really weird, since I never saw him before... But as I figured out later, it was just Fabiola who told him...

School was something different... The first class was algebra, there was a total of 10 people, including me. They just went over the homework and then had to do a practice test for the last few minutes of the class. Then after algebra we had environmental sience, where we just watched Avatar. The third class then was computer class, where we actually didn't do anything, except for eating some chocolate, and looking up Mano's and our house on Google Earth. The last class then was Study Hall, where you actually just have to do your homework, or hang out.
Lunch was totally different, we went down to the cafeteria, took our food and sat down to eat. There was enough space and you actually got something warm to eat without waiting half of your lunch time...

Now the coolest thing: There was a blizzard coming, so we got an early dissmiss from school and had free for the rest of the day. When we were home, we hung out at first and then went out to build a snowman and shovel the driveway. The snowman didn't really work out, because the snow wouldn't stick, so we just made a snowpile, with arms and a face =D
We went to bed earlier than the day before, which wasn't that stupid, especially because we were all really tired.

This post was corrected by Fabiola Bregenzer.
I'm the awesome twin sister and I'm just great. =)

Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010


Hey everybody =)
Christmas break began today, and since it was the last day at school, there was an assembly. So all the classes were 10 or 15 minutes shorter, and at the end of the day we had the assembly. Doesn't really sound like a big deaL? Well it really doesn't if you're no performing there by yourself...

I am in the dance troop, and we had to perform, at the assembly, in front of the whole (ok, not the whole, but almost) school, in front of 2000 students!! That requires a lot of practice, so we had dance every day this week, as I told you before. It was really exhausting, and I got home late from school every day.

Today then was the big day:
I went to school like always. I could leave the first periode earlier, because all the exchange sutdents had a meeting to paint some christmas ornaments. It was fun!
Then I had drawing, were we watch the Simpsons and draw a little. After lunch I was getting nervous, but i still had 2 periodes to go...
Computer class was as boring as always, except that I was really nervous. Then my last class Chemistry was sort of fun. We coated cupper pennings with zinc, so they looked like they would be silver. Once they were silver we burned them, so the zinc would mix with the cupper and the penny looked golden then. Unfortunately I had to leave early, so I couldn't see the burning part of the lab.

We met in the girls' locker room and just got ready for the performance. As soon as I entered the locker room I wasn't nervous anymore. I felt really ready! We went into the gym and shortly just went through all the formation one last time. Then we went to sit down, since we we're like the 5th to perform. When the group before us was performing, we went to get ready for our dance. As we waited for our performance to begin, I was nervous again, really really really nervous!

Then we walked in and the dance began. The beginning was really good. But then, when my group was on, the music stuck several times and then jumped liek 8 beats, and we were totally messed up because of it... We probably looked like idiots. The second groups had no troubles with the music, but the third one had the same porblem, except that their music just stuck and didn't jump any parts... Well yeah, the closing was good again. So I don't feel all to bad about it.

Oh and by the way, it's only 38 hours and 50 minutes left until I finally see my twinsister again! =)

Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

Birthday and other stuff

Heyah =)

Last Sunday was my birthday. I was really excited and at the same time sort of scared of my birthday. On one side I looked forward to it, just because it's my birthday, and on the other side I was afraid of getting homesick. It was my first birthday away from home, without my family.
But it turned out as a really good day. I got up in the morning to do some homework, well that wasn't a good part, but it saved me from staying up very late to do all my homework. Then before lunch Yolanda and Aspen came over, and we had pizza for lunch. After lunch we went to buy a christmas tree. It was really weird, when we went to buy the christmas tree it was 20°C and the sun was shining, so I went in a T-shirt. My first Birthday, I could walk around in a tee outside without freezing. It is a cool (well it was rather warm :P) experience and definitely diffrent from home.
At home then, we started to decorate the tree, we were done pretty fast and it just looks like a decirated christmas tree^^ (no shit, Sherlock)
After decorating the tree I played with Aspen, for quite a while. She had a lot of fun playing games she made up by herself, and which were pretty weird, and which use a lot of imagination. But it was fun though.
Lorena had bought some balloons, which were all over the living room. In the evening Juliane, Leticia and Rory came over. We had a blast, and ate a whole lot of stuff.
The cake we had, was made by Selin and me the day before. It was a recipe of Selin's mother and it was really, really tasty. Actually it IS tasty, there are still some leftovers =)

The Winter Assembly is going to be on Friday and we're going to perform there with the Dance Troop, that means I have Dance evry single day, so we can practice and improve our performance. It gets exhausting, but I think it is good, because I definitely need to do more sports. And when I have dance I usually walk home, so I walk at least 2 miles a day. I'm so proud of myself :P

Oh, and by the way, since winter breaks starts on Friday after school, there are only a few days left until I see my lovely twinsister again =D
And that's just awesome, and perfect and great and.... I'm so damn excited to see her again!!! =)It really is just awesome!

Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010

EF-Christmas Party

Heyho =)

Yesterday evening was the EF Christmas Party.
All the students had to bring a dish and a gift, suitable for boys and girls. First we just ate and talk to each other, and then we started the gift exchange game.
That game is a lot of fun. All the participants have to bring a gift, otherwise they can't play. Then the game starts. The first person can go and choose one of the presents. He opens it and shows it around, so everybody can see what he got. Then the second person can decide, if he/she wants to open another present or if he/she wants to steal the present already opened. There are only two rules, you cannot steal a gift back and when a gift has been stolen twice its dead, so the person who has it after the second one, keeps it, you can no longer steal it. When all the presents are opened, the person who began, can steal another present or keep the one he has.
The game is actually only fun, when people are stealing and not only opening a new one.

After the game, we continued talking for a bit and then we all went home. It was a fun evening and I really enjoyed it.

Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010

Still alive

Guess what!? I'm still alive after my root canal...
It wasn't the best experience ever, but it wasn't as bad as i thought either. I even could watch dvd during the treatment with awesome video glasses!
By now my tooth still hurts, but it's not as bad as before, and I have to take antibiotics... but I'm glad that it's done now, and it should get better now!

Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010


Hey everybody =)
As you may all have seen, Selin didn't wrote another post, probably because she was too lazy or too busy (I tend to the first one :P). So I have a quick update for you.

Last Weekend on Saturday, Selin and I went (once again) to the Fashion Show Mall. We met up with Nils and Silvia, but they had to leave already after 1 hour. So most of the time it was only Selin and me. We were looking for some chirstmas presents, but I didn't find any... Selin was luckier though and found somethings.

Then in the evening we just hung out at the house. In the night a terrible tooth ache hit me, and I wasn't able to sleep until around 6 in the morning. Lorena gave me some pain killer and some Thieves, and I went back to sleep for some more, since I only slept for 4 hours. The pain killer did a good job, so I felt good enough to go to the cinema with Lorena and Selin. We went into the last show of "The social Network".
I didn't like the movie that much, it was kind of boring, but also interesting, because you learnt something about the history of facebook. Something almost everybody uses today.

The night to Monday was fine, and I decided to go to school. It was one normal boring day at school, like always. When we came back, the tooth ache began again, and I took some more painkillers. My hostmum told me then, that she already called the dentist. So today, I didn't go to school, I had too much pain and too less motivation to go there. The dentost called at 8, to make an appointement.

At 1 we were at the dentist and Ihad to fill out all these forms, so we could get started. Then I was called in and waited for about 10 min before the dentist showed up. After knocking on my tooth, what awfully hurt, he already knew, what's going on. The diagnosis: Root Canal =(
So tomorrow I have another appointement, at another dentist, to make the root canal treatment. And after that my tooth should stop hurting, until then I just take pain killers, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to do anything else but cry!

Today I'm going to call my dad, to tell him about this not at all exciting news. I think his not going to be too happy about it, but you cannot change it anyway...

You might hear from me tomorrow again, just to tell you how it went.

And at last, one thing my aunt taught me a while ago: Always see the positive things in a bad situation. So at least I don't have to go to school tomorrow =)