Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010


Hey everybody =)
As you may all have seen, Selin didn't wrote another post, probably because she was too lazy or too busy (I tend to the first one :P). So I have a quick update for you.

Last Weekend on Saturday, Selin and I went (once again) to the Fashion Show Mall. We met up with Nils and Silvia, but they had to leave already after 1 hour. So most of the time it was only Selin and me. We were looking for some chirstmas presents, but I didn't find any... Selin was luckier though and found somethings.

Then in the evening we just hung out at the house. In the night a terrible tooth ache hit me, and I wasn't able to sleep until around 6 in the morning. Lorena gave me some pain killer and some Thieves, and I went back to sleep for some more, since I only slept for 4 hours. The pain killer did a good job, so I felt good enough to go to the cinema with Lorena and Selin. We went into the last show of "The social Network".
I didn't like the movie that much, it was kind of boring, but also interesting, because you learnt something about the history of facebook. Something almost everybody uses today.

The night to Monday was fine, and I decided to go to school. It was one normal boring day at school, like always. When we came back, the tooth ache began again, and I took some more painkillers. My hostmum told me then, that she already called the dentist. So today, I didn't go to school, I had too much pain and too less motivation to go there. The dentost called at 8, to make an appointement.

At 1 we were at the dentist and Ihad to fill out all these forms, so we could get started. Then I was called in and waited for about 10 min before the dentist showed up. After knocking on my tooth, what awfully hurt, he already knew, what's going on. The diagnosis: Root Canal =(
So tomorrow I have another appointement, at another dentist, to make the root canal treatment. And after that my tooth should stop hurting, until then I just take pain killers, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to do anything else but cry!

Today I'm going to call my dad, to tell him about this not at all exciting news. I think his not going to be too happy about it, but you cannot change it anyway...

You might hear from me tomorrow again, just to tell you how it went.

And at last, one thing my aunt taught me a while ago: Always see the positive things in a bad situation. So at least I don't have to go to school tomorrow =)

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