Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

South Dakota 2

My third day being here:

Thanks to the blizzard, which eventually didn't even hit Rutland itsself, school wouldn't start until 10 in the morning. And since they only wrote Semester test, and Fabiola didn't had to write 2 of the 3 they had today, she didn't had to be at school before 2 p.m.... So we went with Bill to Madison, to the post office, and then to his work place, the Dakota State University. After getting the stuff done in his office, we went to have lunch and then Bill brought us to the school. I actually wanted to go home with Bill, because the Semester test would be really boring for me, but Fabiola wanted me to stay, so I went with her.
We were a bit too early, so we just hung out in the study hall. Then we went to the room, where they took the test, and they started right away. Luckily I could use Fabiola's school computer, and go on to facebook. It was still pretty boring.
After the loong school day^^ Fabiola and Mano had Basketball trainig.
It was interesting to see it once, but after 15 minutes it was enough for me... well the practice was 2 hours. I just lie there and watched them, almost falling asleep, but it was fun though.
The next day I stayed at home with Sandi and Bill, and since we needed some stuff I went shopping with Bill... quite an experience =)
Then the next day we just stayed at home...
In the evening of the 24th Jennifer and Chris, her husband, came over for dinner. Jen is Sandi's daughter. We ate ham for dinner, and then watched some videos. After that we started to play "Apples to Apples". We had a lot of fun, and oh yeah, almost forgot about that, we also opened some presents, well just the one from Jen and Chris but still. Then we went to bed.

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