Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

South Dakota 3

Heyho =)
My first Christmas in the US was finally here:
So on the morning of the 25th we got up rather early, at least for Fabiola... Well okay, for me too, but it wasn't as bad for me as it was for her. Then we went up and even had to wait, until Sandi and Bill got up. After they got up, Sandi suffed the Turkey, and we helped her. It was so much fun =)
While stuffing the turkey, Sandi started to talk on the phone to some relatives, so we had to wait even longer to open up the presents. But when Sandi, finallly, finished talking on the phone, we started to open the gifts. There were a lot of presents and everybody go a lot of stuff. Then after the present opening we were just hanging out, watching TV or playing games on the iPad.
Around 5 in the evening, we started to eat. It was si yummi, and my first stuffed Trukey =)
Then after eating we we're watching a bit TV and then played again "Apples to Apples". It was a fun night.
On the 26th, we went all the way to Pierre, the state capital. In the capitol there, they had a lot of christmas trees and one of them was from EF South Dakota, and they had a picture of the familiy Figg on it as well. After we saw the tree we went to eat lunch and then went to a museum in Pierre.
Before we went home we went to Walmart, even though we didn't need anything.
The last few days in Rutland weren't that spectacular. Fabiola and Mano had Basketball practice every day, so I stayed at home with Bill and Sandi. I went another time shopping with Bill, and Fabiola and me made Spätzli for dinner.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that Tabea finally set up her webcam and sign up in Skype, so we could talk to her and see her after more than 5 months! It was awesome, especially because Gianna was online too, so we had a conference call with video. It was just perfect!
The last evening we went to Sioux Falls, to watch the light show in one of the malls. It was pretty cool. After the light show we went to Olive Garden for dinner.

The next morning, we got up at 8 in the morning, and made coffee. Bill told us the evening before, we would need to leave at 8:30. But he wasn't up then, so we went wake him up with a cup of coffee, and he told us then, we wouldn't have to leave before 10:00. Thanks for that :P
But we eventually left to Sioux Falls, were we went to eat breakfast at Denny's. They had the most horrible coffee! But anyway, after breakfast we unfortunately had to go to the airport. Saying Goodbye just never gets easier... =(

But hey, I will see Fabiola in March again, when we go to the Discovery Tour!

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