Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010


Hey everybody =)
Christmas break began today, and since it was the last day at school, there was an assembly. So all the classes were 10 or 15 minutes shorter, and at the end of the day we had the assembly. Doesn't really sound like a big deaL? Well it really doesn't if you're no performing there by yourself...

I am in the dance troop, and we had to perform, at the assembly, in front of the whole (ok, not the whole, but almost) school, in front of 2000 students!! That requires a lot of practice, so we had dance every day this week, as I told you before. It was really exhausting, and I got home late from school every day.

Today then was the big day:
I went to school like always. I could leave the first periode earlier, because all the exchange sutdents had a meeting to paint some christmas ornaments. It was fun!
Then I had drawing, were we watch the Simpsons and draw a little. After lunch I was getting nervous, but i still had 2 periodes to go...
Computer class was as boring as always, except that I was really nervous. Then my last class Chemistry was sort of fun. We coated cupper pennings with zinc, so they looked like they would be silver. Once they were silver we burned them, so the zinc would mix with the cupper and the penny looked golden then. Unfortunately I had to leave early, so I couldn't see the burning part of the lab.

We met in the girls' locker room and just got ready for the performance. As soon as I entered the locker room I wasn't nervous anymore. I felt really ready! We went into the gym and shortly just went through all the formation one last time. Then we went to sit down, since we we're like the 5th to perform. When the group before us was performing, we went to get ready for our dance. As we waited for our performance to begin, I was nervous again, really really really nervous!

Then we walked in and the dance began. The beginning was really good. But then, when my group was on, the music stuck several times and then jumped liek 8 beats, and we were totally messed up because of it... We probably looked like idiots. The second groups had no troubles with the music, but the third one had the same porblem, except that their music just stuck and didn't jump any parts... Well yeah, the closing was good again. So I don't feel all to bad about it.

Oh and by the way, it's only 38 hours and 50 minutes left until I finally see my twinsister again! =)

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