Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

Birthday and other stuff

Heyah =)

Last Sunday was my birthday. I was really excited and at the same time sort of scared of my birthday. On one side I looked forward to it, just because it's my birthday, and on the other side I was afraid of getting homesick. It was my first birthday away from home, without my family.
But it turned out as a really good day. I got up in the morning to do some homework, well that wasn't a good part, but it saved me from staying up very late to do all my homework. Then before lunch Yolanda and Aspen came over, and we had pizza for lunch. After lunch we went to buy a christmas tree. It was really weird, when we went to buy the christmas tree it was 20°C and the sun was shining, so I went in a T-shirt. My first Birthday, I could walk around in a tee outside without freezing. It is a cool (well it was rather warm :P) experience and definitely diffrent from home.
At home then, we started to decorate the tree, we were done pretty fast and it just looks like a decirated christmas tree^^ (no shit, Sherlock)
After decorating the tree I played with Aspen, for quite a while. She had a lot of fun playing games she made up by herself, and which were pretty weird, and which use a lot of imagination. But it was fun though.
Lorena had bought some balloons, which were all over the living room. In the evening Juliane, Leticia and Rory came over. We had a blast, and ate a whole lot of stuff.
The cake we had, was made by Selin and me the day before. It was a recipe of Selin's mother and it was really, really tasty. Actually it IS tasty, there are still some leftovers =)

The Winter Assembly is going to be on Friday and we're going to perform there with the Dance Troop, that means I have Dance evry single day, so we can practice and improve our performance. It gets exhausting, but I think it is good, because I definitely need to do more sports. And when I have dance I usually walk home, so I walk at least 2 miles a day. I'm so proud of myself :P

Oh, and by the way, since winter breaks starts on Friday after school, there are only a few days left until I see my lovely twinsister again =D
And that's just awesome, and perfect and great and.... I'm so damn excited to see her again!!! =)It really is just awesome!

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