Heyho =)
My first Christmas in the US was finally here:
So on the morning of the 25th we got up rather early, at least for Fabiola... Well okay, for me too, but it wasn't as bad for me as it was for her. Then we went up and even had to wait, until Sandi and Bill got up. After they got up, Sandi suffed the Turkey, and we helped her. It was so much fun =)
While stuffing the turkey, Sandi started to talk on the phone to some relatives, so we had to wait even longer to open up the presents. But when Sandi, finallly, finished talking on the phone, we started to open the gifts. There were a lot of presents and everybody go a lot of stuff. Then after the present opening we were just hanging out, watching TV or playing games on the iPad.
Around 5 in the evening, we started to eat. It was si yummi, and my first stuffed Trukey =)
Then after eating we we're watching a bit TV and then played again "Apples to Apples". It was a fun night.
On the 26th, we went all the way to Pierre, the state capital. In the capitol there, they had a lot of christmas trees and one of them was from EF South Dakota, and they had a picture of the familiy Figg on it as well. After we saw the tree we went to eat lunch and then went to a museum in Pierre.
Before we went home we went to Walmart, even though we didn't need anything.
The last few days in Rutland weren't that spectacular. Fabiola and Mano had Basketball practice every day, so I stayed at home with Bill and Sandi. I went another time shopping with Bill, and Fabiola and me made Spätzli for dinner.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that Tabea finally set up her webcam and sign up in Skype, so we could talk to her and see her after more than 5 months! It was awesome, especially because Gianna was online too, so we had a conference call with video. It was just perfect!
The last evening we went to Sioux Falls, to watch the light show in one of the malls. It was pretty cool. After the light show we went to Olive Garden for dinner.
The next morning, we got up at 8 in the morning, and made coffee. Bill told us the evening before, we would need to leave at 8:30. But he wasn't up then, so we went wake him up with a cup of coffee, and he told us then, we wouldn't have to leave before 10:00. Thanks for that :P
But we eventually left to Sioux Falls, were we went to eat breakfast at Denny's. They had the most horrible coffee! But anyway, after breakfast we unfortunately had to go to the airport. Saying Goodbye just never gets easier... =(
But hey, I will see Fabiola in March again, when we go to the Discovery Tour!
Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010
Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010
South Dakota 2
My third day being here:
Thanks to the blizzard, which eventually didn't even hit Rutland itsself, school wouldn't start until 10 in the morning. And since they only wrote Semester test, and Fabiola didn't had to write 2 of the 3 they had today, she didn't had to be at school before 2 p.m.... So we went with Bill to Madison, to the post office, and then to his work place, the Dakota State University. After getting the stuff done in his office, we went to have lunch and then Bill brought us to the school. I actually wanted to go home with Bill, because the Semester test would be really boring for me, but Fabiola wanted me to stay, so I went with her.
We were a bit too early, so we just hung out in the study hall. Then we went to the room, where they took the test, and they started right away. Luckily I could use Fabiola's school computer, and go on to facebook. It was still pretty boring.
After the loong school day^^ Fabiola and Mano had Basketball trainig.
It was interesting to see it once, but after 15 minutes it was enough for me... well the practice was 2 hours. I just lie there and watched them, almost falling asleep, but it was fun though.
The next day I stayed at home with Sandi and Bill, and since we needed some stuff I went shopping with Bill... quite an experience =)
Then the next day we just stayed at home...
In the evening of the 24th Jennifer and Chris, her husband, came over for dinner. Jen is Sandi's daughter. We ate ham for dinner, and then watched some videos. After that we started to play "Apples to Apples". We had a lot of fun, and oh yeah, almost forgot about that, we also opened some presents, well just the one from Jen and Chris but still. Then we went to bed.
Thanks to the blizzard, which eventually didn't even hit Rutland itsself, school wouldn't start until 10 in the morning. And since they only wrote Semester test, and Fabiola didn't had to write 2 of the 3 they had today, she didn't had to be at school before 2 p.m.... So we went with Bill to Madison, to the post office, and then to his work place, the Dakota State University. After getting the stuff done in his office, we went to have lunch and then Bill brought us to the school. I actually wanted to go home with Bill, because the Semester test would be really boring for me, but Fabiola wanted me to stay, so I went with her.
We were a bit too early, so we just hung out in the study hall. Then we went to the room, where they took the test, and they started right away. Luckily I could use Fabiola's school computer, and go on to facebook. It was still pretty boring.
After the loong school day^^ Fabiola and Mano had Basketball trainig.
It was interesting to see it once, but after 15 minutes it was enough for me... well the practice was 2 hours. I just lie there and watched them, almost falling asleep, but it was fun though.
The next day I stayed at home with Sandi and Bill, and since we needed some stuff I went shopping with Bill... quite an experience =)
Then the next day we just stayed at home...
In the evening of the 24th Jennifer and Chris, her husband, came over for dinner. Jen is Sandi's daughter. We ate ham for dinner, and then watched some videos. After that we started to play "Apples to Apples". We had a lot of fun, and oh yeah, almost forgot about that, we also opened some presents, well just the one from Jen and Chris but still. Then we went to bed.
Montag, 20. Dezember 2010
South Dakota 1
Hey hey hey hey hey =)=)=)
As you may already know, I'm in South Dakota now =)
Yesterday morning I got up at 4:30 in the morning, finished packing and all that, and then my hostmum drove me to the airport. At the airport I went through the check-in and then waited until we could board....
When I was sitting in the plane I got really really excited, and when we finally departed I knew, that there is no way of not seeing my twin sister again, except if the plane would crash...
After a 2-hours-flight I arrived in Sioux Falls, and I couldn't wait to get out of the plane. But since I was in the back of the plane, I had to wait quite long to get out. I was so nervous when I walked out of the boarding area and I was so happy to hug her after 5 months!
Her family is so cool and I really, really like them! From the airport we went to IHOP, to eat breakfast. It was around noon by the way^^ It was tasty and I was full afterwards. Then we went to the mall in Sioux Falls to buy some christmas presents and other stuff. For dinner we went to the Texas Roadhouse. Since Fabiola and me had birthday the week ago, but I wasn't here, Bill told the waitress I would have birthday. After we finished dinner, I had to sit on a saddle and the whole restaurant sang Happy Birthday. It was kind of embarassing, but they all had fun. At least I got some free ice cream.
After this we went home, it took us about one hour to get to the house, there we just hang out, drank some coffee and then went to bed around midnight. I'm sharing the bed with Fabiola, and as you can imagine, we had to tell each other a lot... We ended up talking until 2 a.m....
The next morning we got up around 7, or later, depends on who exactly you're talking about, to get to school. The school bus drove into the driveway, so we only had to walk a few steps. As soon as I entered the school bus, the bus driver said: "Welcome to South Dakota, Johanna." It was really weird, since I never saw him before... But as I figured out later, it was just Fabiola who told him...
School was something different... The first class was algebra, there was a total of 10 people, including me. They just went over the homework and then had to do a practice test for the last few minutes of the class. Then after algebra we had environmental sience, where we just watched Avatar. The third class then was computer class, where we actually didn't do anything, except for eating some chocolate, and looking up Mano's and our house on Google Earth. The last class then was Study Hall, where you actually just have to do your homework, or hang out.
Lunch was totally different, we went down to the cafeteria, took our food and sat down to eat. There was enough space and you actually got something warm to eat without waiting half of your lunch time...
Now the coolest thing: There was a blizzard coming, so we got an early dissmiss from school and had free for the rest of the day. When we were home, we hung out at first and then went out to build a snowman and shovel the driveway. The snowman didn't really work out, because the snow wouldn't stick, so we just made a snowpile, with arms and a face =D
We went to bed earlier than the day before, which wasn't that stupid, especially because we were all really tired.
This post was corrected by Fabiola Bregenzer.
I'm the awesome twin sister and I'm just great. =)
As you may already know, I'm in South Dakota now =)
Yesterday morning I got up at 4:30 in the morning, finished packing and all that, and then my hostmum drove me to the airport. At the airport I went through the check-in and then waited until we could board....
When I was sitting in the plane I got really really excited, and when we finally departed I knew, that there is no way of not seeing my twin sister again, except if the plane would crash...
After a 2-hours-flight I arrived in Sioux Falls, and I couldn't wait to get out of the plane. But since I was in the back of the plane, I had to wait quite long to get out. I was so nervous when I walked out of the boarding area and I was so happy to hug her after 5 months!
Her family is so cool and I really, really like them! From the airport we went to IHOP, to eat breakfast. It was around noon by the way^^ It was tasty and I was full afterwards. Then we went to the mall in Sioux Falls to buy some christmas presents and other stuff. For dinner we went to the Texas Roadhouse. Since Fabiola and me had birthday the week ago, but I wasn't here, Bill told the waitress I would have birthday. After we finished dinner, I had to sit on a saddle and the whole restaurant sang Happy Birthday. It was kind of embarassing, but they all had fun. At least I got some free ice cream.
After this we went home, it took us about one hour to get to the house, there we just hang out, drank some coffee and then went to bed around midnight. I'm sharing the bed with Fabiola, and as you can imagine, we had to tell each other a lot... We ended up talking until 2 a.m....
The next morning we got up around 7, or later, depends on who exactly you're talking about, to get to school. The school bus drove into the driveway, so we only had to walk a few steps. As soon as I entered the school bus, the bus driver said: "Welcome to South Dakota, Johanna." It was really weird, since I never saw him before... But as I figured out later, it was just Fabiola who told him...
School was something different... The first class was algebra, there was a total of 10 people, including me. They just went over the homework and then had to do a practice test for the last few minutes of the class. Then after algebra we had environmental sience, where we just watched Avatar. The third class then was computer class, where we actually didn't do anything, except for eating some chocolate, and looking up Mano's and our house on Google Earth. The last class then was Study Hall, where you actually just have to do your homework, or hang out.
Lunch was totally different, we went down to the cafeteria, took our food and sat down to eat. There was enough space and you actually got something warm to eat without waiting half of your lunch time...
Now the coolest thing: There was a blizzard coming, so we got an early dissmiss from school and had free for the rest of the day. When we were home, we hung out at first and then went out to build a snowman and shovel the driveway. The snowman didn't really work out, because the snow wouldn't stick, so we just made a snowpile, with arms and a face =D
We went to bed earlier than the day before, which wasn't that stupid, especially because we were all really tired.
This post was corrected by Fabiola Bregenzer.
I'm the awesome twin sister and I'm just great. =)
Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010
Hey everybody =)
Christmas break began today, and since it was the last day at school, there was an assembly. So all the classes were 10 or 15 minutes shorter, and at the end of the day we had the assembly. Doesn't really sound like a big deaL? Well it really doesn't if you're no performing there by yourself...
I am in the dance troop, and we had to perform, at the assembly, in front of the whole (ok, not the whole, but almost) school, in front of 2000 students!! That requires a lot of practice, so we had dance every day this week, as I told you before. It was really exhausting, and I got home late from school every day.
Today then was the big day:
I went to school like always. I could leave the first periode earlier, because all the exchange sutdents had a meeting to paint some christmas ornaments. It was fun!
Then I had drawing, were we watch the Simpsons and draw a little. After lunch I was getting nervous, but i still had 2 periodes to go...
Computer class was as boring as always, except that I was really nervous. Then my last class Chemistry was sort of fun. We coated cupper pennings with zinc, so they looked like they would be silver. Once they were silver we burned them, so the zinc would mix with the cupper and the penny looked golden then. Unfortunately I had to leave early, so I couldn't see the burning part of the lab.
We met in the girls' locker room and just got ready for the performance. As soon as I entered the locker room I wasn't nervous anymore. I felt really ready! We went into the gym and shortly just went through all the formation one last time. Then we went to sit down, since we we're like the 5th to perform. When the group before us was performing, we went to get ready for our dance. As we waited for our performance to begin, I was nervous again, really really really nervous!
Then we walked in and the dance began. The beginning was really good. But then, when my group was on, the music stuck several times and then jumped liek 8 beats, and we were totally messed up because of it... We probably looked like idiots. The second groups had no troubles with the music, but the third one had the same porblem, except that their music just stuck and didn't jump any parts... Well yeah, the closing was good again. So I don't feel all to bad about it.
Oh and by the way, it's only 38 hours and 50 minutes left until I finally see my twinsister again! =)
Christmas break began today, and since it was the last day at school, there was an assembly. So all the classes were 10 or 15 minutes shorter, and at the end of the day we had the assembly. Doesn't really sound like a big deaL? Well it really doesn't if you're no performing there by yourself...
I am in the dance troop, and we had to perform, at the assembly, in front of the whole (ok, not the whole, but almost) school, in front of 2000 students!! That requires a lot of practice, so we had dance every day this week, as I told you before. It was really exhausting, and I got home late from school every day.
Today then was the big day:
I went to school like always. I could leave the first periode earlier, because all the exchange sutdents had a meeting to paint some christmas ornaments. It was fun!
Then I had drawing, were we watch the Simpsons and draw a little. After lunch I was getting nervous, but i still had 2 periodes to go...
Computer class was as boring as always, except that I was really nervous. Then my last class Chemistry was sort of fun. We coated cupper pennings with zinc, so they looked like they would be silver. Once they were silver we burned them, so the zinc would mix with the cupper and the penny looked golden then. Unfortunately I had to leave early, so I couldn't see the burning part of the lab.
We met in the girls' locker room and just got ready for the performance. As soon as I entered the locker room I wasn't nervous anymore. I felt really ready! We went into the gym and shortly just went through all the formation one last time. Then we went to sit down, since we we're like the 5th to perform. When the group before us was performing, we went to get ready for our dance. As we waited for our performance to begin, I was nervous again, really really really nervous!
Then we walked in and the dance began. The beginning was really good. But then, when my group was on, the music stuck several times and then jumped liek 8 beats, and we were totally messed up because of it... We probably looked like idiots. The second groups had no troubles with the music, but the third one had the same porblem, except that their music just stuck and didn't jump any parts... Well yeah, the closing was good again. So I don't feel all to bad about it.
Oh and by the way, it's only 38 hours and 50 minutes left until I finally see my twinsister again! =)
Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010
Birthday and other stuff
Heyah =)
Last Sunday was my birthday. I was really excited and at the same time sort of scared of my birthday. On one side I looked forward to it, just because it's my birthday, and on the other side I was afraid of getting homesick. It was my first birthday away from home, without my family.
But it turned out as a really good day. I got up in the morning to do some homework, well that wasn't a good part, but it saved me from staying up very late to do all my homework. Then before lunch Yolanda and Aspen came over, and we had pizza for lunch. After lunch we went to buy a christmas tree. It was really weird, when we went to buy the christmas tree it was 20°C and the sun was shining, so I went in a T-shirt. My first Birthday, I could walk around in a tee outside without freezing. It is a cool (well it was rather warm :P) experience and definitely diffrent from home.
At home then, we started to decorate the tree, we were done pretty fast and it just looks like a decirated christmas tree^^ (no shit, Sherlock)
After decorating the tree I played with Aspen, for quite a while. She had a lot of fun playing games she made up by herself, and which were pretty weird, and which use a lot of imagination. But it was fun though.
Lorena had bought some balloons, which were all over the living room. In the evening Juliane, Leticia and Rory came over. We had a blast, and ate a whole lot of stuff.
The cake we had, was made by Selin and me the day before. It was a recipe of Selin's mother and it was really, really tasty. Actually it IS tasty, there are still some leftovers =)
The Winter Assembly is going to be on Friday and we're going to perform there with the Dance Troop, that means I have Dance evry single day, so we can practice and improve our performance. It gets exhausting, but I think it is good, because I definitely need to do more sports. And when I have dance I usually walk home, so I walk at least 2 miles a day. I'm so proud of myself :P
Oh, and by the way, since winter breaks starts on Friday after school, there are only a few days left until I see my lovely twinsister again =D
And that's just awesome, and perfect and great and.... I'm so damn excited to see her again!!! =)It really is just awesome!
Last Sunday was my birthday. I was really excited and at the same time sort of scared of my birthday. On one side I looked forward to it, just because it's my birthday, and on the other side I was afraid of getting homesick. It was my first birthday away from home, without my family.
But it turned out as a really good day. I got up in the morning to do some homework, well that wasn't a good part, but it saved me from staying up very late to do all my homework. Then before lunch Yolanda and Aspen came over, and we had pizza for lunch. After lunch we went to buy a christmas tree. It was really weird, when we went to buy the christmas tree it was 20°C and the sun was shining, so I went in a T-shirt. My first Birthday, I could walk around in a tee outside without freezing. It is a cool (well it was rather warm :P) experience and definitely diffrent from home.
At home then, we started to decorate the tree, we were done pretty fast and it just looks like a decirated christmas tree^^ (no shit, Sherlock)
After decorating the tree I played with Aspen, for quite a while. She had a lot of fun playing games she made up by herself, and which were pretty weird, and which use a lot of imagination. But it was fun though.
Lorena had bought some balloons, which were all over the living room. In the evening Juliane, Leticia and Rory came over. We had a blast, and ate a whole lot of stuff.
The cake we had, was made by Selin and me the day before. It was a recipe of Selin's mother and it was really, really tasty. Actually it IS tasty, there are still some leftovers =)
The Winter Assembly is going to be on Friday and we're going to perform there with the Dance Troop, that means I have Dance evry single day, so we can practice and improve our performance. It gets exhausting, but I think it is good, because I definitely need to do more sports. And when I have dance I usually walk home, so I walk at least 2 miles a day. I'm so proud of myself :P
Oh, and by the way, since winter breaks starts on Friday after school, there are only a few days left until I see my lovely twinsister again =D
And that's just awesome, and perfect and great and.... I'm so damn excited to see her again!!! =)It really is just awesome!
Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010
EF-Christmas Party
Heyho =)
Yesterday evening was the EF Christmas Party.
All the students had to bring a dish and a gift, suitable for boys and girls. First we just ate and talk to each other, and then we started the gift exchange game.
That game is a lot of fun. All the participants have to bring a gift, otherwise they can't play. Then the game starts. The first person can go and choose one of the presents. He opens it and shows it around, so everybody can see what he got. Then the second person can decide, if he/she wants to open another present or if he/she wants to steal the present already opened. There are only two rules, you cannot steal a gift back and when a gift has been stolen twice its dead, so the person who has it after the second one, keeps it, you can no longer steal it. When all the presents are opened, the person who began, can steal another present or keep the one he has.
The game is actually only fun, when people are stealing and not only opening a new one.
After the game, we continued talking for a bit and then we all went home. It was a fun evening and I really enjoyed it.
Yesterday evening was the EF Christmas Party.
All the students had to bring a dish and a gift, suitable for boys and girls. First we just ate and talk to each other, and then we started the gift exchange game.
That game is a lot of fun. All the participants have to bring a gift, otherwise they can't play. Then the game starts. The first person can go and choose one of the presents. He opens it and shows it around, so everybody can see what he got. Then the second person can decide, if he/she wants to open another present or if he/she wants to steal the present already opened. There are only two rules, you cannot steal a gift back and when a gift has been stolen twice its dead, so the person who has it after the second one, keeps it, you can no longer steal it. When all the presents are opened, the person who began, can steal another present or keep the one he has.
The game is actually only fun, when people are stealing and not only opening a new one.
After the game, we continued talking for a bit and then we all went home. It was a fun evening and I really enjoyed it.
Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010
Still alive
Guess what!? I'm still alive after my root canal...
It wasn't the best experience ever, but it wasn't as bad as i thought either. I even could watch dvd during the treatment with awesome video glasses!
By now my tooth still hurts, but it's not as bad as before, and I have to take antibiotics... but I'm glad that it's done now, and it should get better now!
It wasn't the best experience ever, but it wasn't as bad as i thought either. I even could watch dvd during the treatment with awesome video glasses!
By now my tooth still hurts, but it's not as bad as before, and I have to take antibiotics... but I'm glad that it's done now, and it should get better now!
Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010
Hey everybody =)
As you may all have seen, Selin didn't wrote another post, probably because she was too lazy or too busy (I tend to the first one :P). So I have a quick update for you.
Last Weekend on Saturday, Selin and I went (once again) to the Fashion Show Mall. We met up with Nils and Silvia, but they had to leave already after 1 hour. So most of the time it was only Selin and me. We were looking for some chirstmas presents, but I didn't find any... Selin was luckier though and found somethings.
Then in the evening we just hung out at the house. In the night a terrible tooth ache hit me, and I wasn't able to sleep until around 6 in the morning. Lorena gave me some pain killer and some Thieves, and I went back to sleep for some more, since I only slept for 4 hours. The pain killer did a good job, so I felt good enough to go to the cinema with Lorena and Selin. We went into the last show of "The social Network".
I didn't like the movie that much, it was kind of boring, but also interesting, because you learnt something about the history of facebook. Something almost everybody uses today.
The night to Monday was fine, and I decided to go to school. It was one normal boring day at school, like always. When we came back, the tooth ache began again, and I took some more painkillers. My hostmum told me then, that she already called the dentist. So today, I didn't go to school, I had too much pain and too less motivation to go there. The dentost called at 8, to make an appointement.
At 1 we were at the dentist and Ihad to fill out all these forms, so we could get started. Then I was called in and waited for about 10 min before the dentist showed up. After knocking on my tooth, what awfully hurt, he already knew, what's going on. The diagnosis: Root Canal =(
So tomorrow I have another appointement, at another dentist, to make the root canal treatment. And after that my tooth should stop hurting, until then I just take pain killers, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to do anything else but cry!
Today I'm going to call my dad, to tell him about this not at all exciting news. I think his not going to be too happy about it, but you cannot change it anyway...
You might hear from me tomorrow again, just to tell you how it went.
And at last, one thing my aunt taught me a while ago: Always see the positive things in a bad situation. So at least I don't have to go to school tomorrow =)
As you may all have seen, Selin didn't wrote another post, probably because she was too lazy or too busy (I tend to the first one :P). So I have a quick update for you.
Last Weekend on Saturday, Selin and I went (once again) to the Fashion Show Mall. We met up with Nils and Silvia, but they had to leave already after 1 hour. So most of the time it was only Selin and me. We were looking for some chirstmas presents, but I didn't find any... Selin was luckier though and found somethings.
Then in the evening we just hung out at the house. In the night a terrible tooth ache hit me, and I wasn't able to sleep until around 6 in the morning. Lorena gave me some pain killer and some Thieves, and I went back to sleep for some more, since I only slept for 4 hours. The pain killer did a good job, so I felt good enough to go to the cinema with Lorena and Selin. We went into the last show of "The social Network".
I didn't like the movie that much, it was kind of boring, but also interesting, because you learnt something about the history of facebook. Something almost everybody uses today.
The night to Monday was fine, and I decided to go to school. It was one normal boring day at school, like always. When we came back, the tooth ache began again, and I took some more painkillers. My hostmum told me then, that she already called the dentist. So today, I didn't go to school, I had too much pain and too less motivation to go there. The dentost called at 8, to make an appointement.
At 1 we were at the dentist and Ihad to fill out all these forms, so we could get started. Then I was called in and waited for about 10 min before the dentist showed up. After knocking on my tooth, what awfully hurt, he already knew, what's going on. The diagnosis: Root Canal =(
So tomorrow I have another appointement, at another dentist, to make the root canal treatment. And after that my tooth should stop hurting, until then I just take pain killers, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to do anything else but cry!
Today I'm going to call my dad, to tell him about this not at all exciting news. I think his not going to be too happy about it, but you cannot change it anyway...
You might hear from me tomorrow again, just to tell you how it went.
And at last, one thing my aunt taught me a while ago: Always see the positive things in a bad situation. So at least I don't have to go to school tomorrow =)
Sonntag, 28. November 2010
¨Thanksgiving and Black Friday =)
Hey there, so now it's Sunday evening and I'll take the time to write another post, isn't that nice of me?
Thanksgiving was cool, different than I imagined it, but still awesome. We got up in the morning around 10 and then just hang around in the house until Lorena took us to a All-you-can-eat Buffet, which is typical for Las Vegas. Like always at such a buffet, I ate too much. Then we went home and got ready for the dinner at Itzel's house. We left around 3:45, so we would be there at 4.... well we turned into the community on the left side, instead of the on the right side, we drove around for 10 minutes, before we actually figured out, that it was the wrong one. Itzel was already out and looking for us, so we didn't had to look for her house on the other side of the street as well, what saved some time!
When we finally arrived at Itzel's house, we were sitting there and just talking to Itzel, which was a lot of fun. Then we ate, there was a lot of different things to taste: Ham, chicken, appelsalad, normal salad, pasta and some more things. For the dessert, they had brownies and jelly, both made by Itzel, it was soo tasty! What a wonder, I ate too much the second time at that day^^
On friday was Black Friday, something they need to have in Switzerland as well. Selin and I got up around 8, so we wouldn't get there too late, then Jana Gronau arrived at our house around 9, and after half an hour we left for the Outlet Mall. There we met up with Kaori and Alina, two other exchange students. We walked through the whole mall, but didn't really find anything, well except in Tommy Hilfiger. So we decided we would go to the Fashion Show Mall, which was a pretty good idea.
At the Fashion Show Mall we went into a lot of stores, and had a lot of fun! But there was a missunderstanding with Kaori and Alina's hostmum, who was suppossed to bring us back home. But in the end we figured everything out, and we came home arounf 9:30 in the evening, so we had a 11 hour shopping day, we both were very tired after it...
Today then, Selin and I went around in the neighborhood to sell cookie dough, for the Softball team fundrasising, in which we're hoping to get in... But NOBODY wanted to buy anything, well at least the one who were at home, except for the last one. He said we should come back on Thursday, after pay-day, and he would buy some then... Well we weren't that succesful, but at least we tried it, and we're going again on Thursday, hopefully there more wanting to buy something then...
After this Lorena asked us, if we would like to go to the Fashionshow Mall (yeah again, but it's like the biggest and best mall in Las Vegas, and it's not on the other side of town, like Townsquare or Galleria...) to see the Christmas Show. Aspen and her mom were there too, what was actually the reason to go there. But we missed the 2-o'clock show, so we had to wait 2 hours for the next one. We were walking around in the mall, going into childrens store, because Aspen needs some longsleeve-dresses and shirts. It wasn't all to interesting for Selin and me, so we went to Starbucks, which was right next to one of the stores they were in. Waiting in the line, we met some swiss people and we started to talk to them. It was sooo awesom to speak swissgerman with people standing right next to you, and not only over the phone, or betters said skype.
Then after the two hours have passed, we went to see the Christmas-Show, which was on the catwalk, which is only up for shows. It was interesting and it gave me sort of a christmas feeling, what I haven't really had and already lost again after the show. But I enjoyed the show and was glad I went there with Lorena and Selin!
By the way, you don't really get into the Christmas-mood, when there is still sunshine and it's around 15° C outside... It makes me miss Switzerland!
So that's it for today... oh you also going to have a post from Selin, or at least you should^^
Thanksgiving was cool, different than I imagined it, but still awesome. We got up in the morning around 10 and then just hang around in the house until Lorena took us to a All-you-can-eat Buffet, which is typical for Las Vegas. Like always at such a buffet, I ate too much. Then we went home and got ready for the dinner at Itzel's house. We left around 3:45, so we would be there at 4.... well we turned into the community on the left side, instead of the on the right side, we drove around for 10 minutes, before we actually figured out, that it was the wrong one. Itzel was already out and looking for us, so we didn't had to look for her house on the other side of the street as well, what saved some time!
When we finally arrived at Itzel's house, we were sitting there and just talking to Itzel, which was a lot of fun. Then we ate, there was a lot of different things to taste: Ham, chicken, appelsalad, normal salad, pasta and some more things. For the dessert, they had brownies and jelly, both made by Itzel, it was soo tasty! What a wonder, I ate too much the second time at that day^^
On friday was Black Friday, something they need to have in Switzerland as well. Selin and I got up around 8, so we wouldn't get there too late, then Jana Gronau arrived at our house around 9, and after half an hour we left for the Outlet Mall. There we met up with Kaori and Alina, two other exchange students. We walked through the whole mall, but didn't really find anything, well except in Tommy Hilfiger. So we decided we would go to the Fashion Show Mall, which was a pretty good idea.
At the Fashion Show Mall we went into a lot of stores, and had a lot of fun! But there was a missunderstanding with Kaori and Alina's hostmum, who was suppossed to bring us back home. But in the end we figured everything out, and we came home arounf 9:30 in the evening, so we had a 11 hour shopping day, we both were very tired after it...
Today then, Selin and I went around in the neighborhood to sell cookie dough, for the Softball team fundrasising, in which we're hoping to get in... But NOBODY wanted to buy anything, well at least the one who were at home, except for the last one. He said we should come back on Thursday, after pay-day, and he would buy some then... Well we weren't that succesful, but at least we tried it, and we're going again on Thursday, hopefully there more wanting to buy something then...
After this Lorena asked us, if we would like to go to the Fashionshow Mall (yeah again, but it's like the biggest and best mall in Las Vegas, and it's not on the other side of town, like Townsquare or Galleria...) to see the Christmas Show. Aspen and her mom were there too, what was actually the reason to go there. But we missed the 2-o'clock show, so we had to wait 2 hours for the next one. We were walking around in the mall, going into childrens store, because Aspen needs some longsleeve-dresses and shirts. It wasn't all to interesting for Selin and me, so we went to Starbucks, which was right next to one of the stores they were in. Waiting in the line, we met some swiss people and we started to talk to them. It was sooo awesom to speak swissgerman with people standing right next to you, and not only over the phone, or betters said skype.
Then after the two hours have passed, we went to see the Christmas-Show, which was on the catwalk, which is only up for shows. It was interesting and it gave me sort of a christmas feeling, what I haven't really had and already lost again after the show. But I enjoyed the show and was glad I went there with Lorena and Selin!
By the way, you don't really get into the Christmas-mood, when there is still sunshine and it's around 15° C outside... It makes me miss Switzerland!
So that's it for today... oh you also going to have a post from Selin, or at least you should^^
Mittwoch, 24. November 2010
Selin's post =)
Holaaaaaaaaaaa :)
sooo... now... i have to write something.. i think u know, that i am living in the moment with JOHANNA :D the best swiss girl ever :D i know nothing is better than being german :D but i am soooo nice and say nothing against it :D JUST KIDDING :)
i love it to live with her :) it is everyday sooo funny, because we have much or less very much fun during being on the computer :D or laughing about EST******.. he is a strange boy from our school :D and what he wrote was very very crazy and nooot good :D
johanna is awesome and a great hostsister :)
she is sooo nice that she went with me to the mall because of seeing nils(my boyfriend) at saturday.. normally that meeting was not important for her and a little bit boring.. but she came with me.. and like next friday(black friday).. i hope it will be awesome.. i dont think so that i have to explain what the BLACK friday is because johanna did it already :) awesome isn"t it :P We will have lots of fun.. i HOPE :D but i am sure :D when we are together everybody knows for sure that it will be very funny :)
I know.. nobody knows what moapa is :D moapa is the best small village ever :D
u have there a loong street :D with some houses but they are far away from each other :D so at the beginning it is for everyone a culture shock :D but after a time :D U LOVE IT.. like me :D i love it there because u have so much fun there and it is normally never boring when u have the possibilty for hanging out with friends ;P
there are the best people :D with johannaaaaa haha :D
i am so nice i know :D just kiddingb :D
I <3 Moapa :D i think everyone has to visit moapa ;P
sooooooo ;D i am so exited because of thankgiving our first and last.. for the next time hehe :D
we will have so much fun tomo and friday :)
if i have the possibilty to write at sunday after JOHANNA.. i will do it :)
greetings from the german girl :)
JOHAANNA i love uuu :**
seeelin :)
sooo... now... i have to write something.. i think u know, that i am living in the moment with JOHANNA :D the best swiss girl ever :D i know nothing is better than being german :D but i am soooo nice and say nothing against it :D JUST KIDDING :)
i love it to live with her :) it is everyday sooo funny, because we have much or less very much fun during being on the computer :D or laughing about EST******.. he is a strange boy from our school :D and what he wrote was very very crazy and nooot good :D
johanna is awesome and a great hostsister :)
she is sooo nice that she went with me to the mall because of seeing nils(my boyfriend) at saturday.. normally that meeting was not important for her and a little bit boring.. but she came with me.. and like next friday(black friday).. i hope it will be awesome.. i dont think so that i have to explain what the BLACK friday is because johanna did it already :) awesome isn"t it :P We will have lots of fun.. i HOPE :D but i am sure :D when we are together everybody knows for sure that it will be very funny :)
I know.. nobody knows what moapa is :D moapa is the best small village ever :D
u have there a loong street :D with some houses but they are far away from each other :D so at the beginning it is for everyone a culture shock :D but after a time :D U LOVE IT.. like me :D i love it there because u have so much fun there and it is normally never boring when u have the possibilty for hanging out with friends ;P
there are the best people :D with johannaaaaa haha :D
i am so nice i know :D just kiddingb :D
I <3 Moapa :D i think everyone has to visit moapa ;P
sooooooo ;D i am so exited because of thankgiving our first and last.. for the next time hehe :D
we will have so much fun tomo and friday :)
if i have the possibilty to write at sunday after JOHANNA.. i will do it :)
greetings from the german girl :)
JOHAANNA i love uuu :**
seeelin :)
Blahbla =)
Well I just decide to make a short update =)
Living with Selin is great, and she is a little bit like my twin sister, what I really like. The sad thing is just, that I talk too much German with her... But that's how it is now, and it doesn't look like it would change (I know, if I would like to, it would be possible to change, but it is also sort of comforting to speak German^^.
Last Weekend we actually didn't go to the game, like we're planned, we change plans and went to the Fashion Show Mall. This was sort of pointless, because we went there, so Selin could see Nils. Nils was with another hostfamily coming from Moapa to Henderson for some reason, and then they were supposed to be in the Mall at 1... Hmmm.. Selin and I arrived there at 2 and they were still in Henderson, but we're just leaving Henderson. So Selin was really looking forwar to see Nils again, but we had to wait another 2 hours, due to the continuing changin of plans... The first change was, that they would go home, then they change to going to Walmart first, then they went to eat at Panda Express, then they wanted to go to a shoe store and a friend, then they decided to go to the "Welcome in Las Vegas" shield (which I still haven't seen yet...)to hang out there for 30 min, then they came to the most intelligent reason, not to come to the mall, which was "it's raining" (they would be inside the mall, so what does it matter? but anyway) then they finally decide to com to the mall shortly, that Selin and Nils could see each other though, first 1 minute, then half an hour and in the end, they stayed 1 whole hour. This resulted that Selin and I were at the mall 7 hours, 1 hour seeing Nils and 6 hours of walking around, without buying anything... Isn't that awesome?
So for all who don't know it yet, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, that means we have 2 days (Thursday and Fryday) off of school. Since my hostmother doesn't want to make a big family party, Selin and I are going to Itzel's house. Itzel is a mexican girl, we know from school. It sounds like it's going to be fun =)
On Friday then is Black Friday, and that's just awesome. It's going to be the most chaotic, stressful day in the year, regarding shopping. On Black Friday in almost all the shops there are sales up to 70% off, so everybody goes shopping, which results in a huge mess and probably also some fights^^ Nevertheless we're going there as well, so I probably going to be K.O. in the evening, but that's how it is supposed to be :P
So I'm going to write to you again probably on Sunday, after all the exciting stuff around Thanksgiving.
Living with Selin is great, and she is a little bit like my twin sister, what I really like. The sad thing is just, that I talk too much German with her... But that's how it is now, and it doesn't look like it would change (I know, if I would like to, it would be possible to change, but it is also sort of comforting to speak German^^.
Last Weekend we actually didn't go to the game, like we're planned, we change plans and went to the Fashion Show Mall. This was sort of pointless, because we went there, so Selin could see Nils. Nils was with another hostfamily coming from Moapa to Henderson for some reason, and then they were supposed to be in the Mall at 1... Hmmm.. Selin and I arrived there at 2 and they were still in Henderson, but we're just leaving Henderson. So Selin was really looking forwar to see Nils again, but we had to wait another 2 hours, due to the continuing changin of plans... The first change was, that they would go home, then they change to going to Walmart first, then they went to eat at Panda Express, then they wanted to go to a shoe store and a friend, then they decided to go to the "Welcome in Las Vegas" shield (which I still haven't seen yet...)to hang out there for 30 min, then they came to the most intelligent reason, not to come to the mall, which was "it's raining" (they would be inside the mall, so what does it matter? but anyway) then they finally decide to com to the mall shortly, that Selin and Nils could see each other though, first 1 minute, then half an hour and in the end, they stayed 1 whole hour. This resulted that Selin and I were at the mall 7 hours, 1 hour seeing Nils and 6 hours of walking around, without buying anything... Isn't that awesome?
So for all who don't know it yet, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, that means we have 2 days (Thursday and Fryday) off of school. Since my hostmother doesn't want to make a big family party, Selin and I are going to Itzel's house. Itzel is a mexican girl, we know from school. It sounds like it's going to be fun =)
On Friday then is Black Friday, and that's just awesome. It's going to be the most chaotic, stressful day in the year, regarding shopping. On Black Friday in almost all the shops there are sales up to 70% off, so everybody goes shopping, which results in a huge mess and probably also some fights^^ Nevertheless we're going there as well, so I probably going to be K.O. in the evening, but that's how it is supposed to be :P
So I'm going to write to you again probably on Sunday, after all the exciting stuff around Thanksgiving.
Freitag, 19. November 2010
Aviation Nation/Sleepover and hostsisters =)
Hello everybody =)
It's already a week ago, but I just decide, out of boredom, that I'm going to make a post about the Sleepover and the Aviation Nation.
So on Friday evening Selin's hostdad came to pick me up and brought us to the Mini Grand Prix, a go-cart drive... We first ate pizza and then went to drive the go-cart. It was so much fun! Then at 10 o'clock we went to the gym, where we had the sleepover... We played some games and ate some snacks before we went to bed, well before most of us went to bed. Jana, Hannah, Selin and I stayed in the bathroom until 3 o'clock in the morning, talking. Then we finally went to sleep...
The next morning we had to get up at 7:30 or something like that, because we had to leave the gym at 8:30, and we had to eat breakfast before... In the end, we waited in front of the gym until like 9:00, before we left to go to the Aviation Nation.
Then we finally left and went out to the Speedway, where the parkin lot was. The fun began there... We had to wait over 2 hours to get on the buses to get to the actual airshow. I hope that it would be a lot of fun, so I was kind of dissappointed when we arrived there. It was not what I expected and so I got bored... It even got worse, when I dropped my camera and it wasn't working anymore... So I was really glad, when we finally after around 5 hours went back to the gym, where Lorena picked Selin, Patricia and me up.
So on Saturday I got a hostsister, I was not really sure if I should be happy about it or not. But I was glad, so I wasn't alone anymore. But Patricia was pretty quiet.
On Monday already we got a call from Linda, she told us that she would pick up Patricia in the eveninng. So I actually had a hostsister for only 2 days... But I just saw how fast you get used to be an only child, way too fast :P
Then on Thursday, so yesterday we got another call from Linda, who told us then that Selin would come over to our house until around Tuesday. If you wonder why, Selin just had a temporary hostfamily, and since they're goint away for Thanksgiving, she needed a place to stay. But Linda already has a permanent family for her, just the paperwork isn't done yet. So she's staying with us until the paperwork is done, that means until around Tuesday.
So since today Selin's here, and she already drives me crazy with her music... but I have a lot of fun with her, more than with Patricia, because she also talks to me^^
Tomorrow we're going to the football game Moapa Valley vs. Arbor View. I hope it's gonna be fun =)
It's already a week ago, but I just decide, out of boredom, that I'm going to make a post about the Sleepover and the Aviation Nation.
So on Friday evening Selin's hostdad came to pick me up and brought us to the Mini Grand Prix, a go-cart drive... We first ate pizza and then went to drive the go-cart. It was so much fun! Then at 10 o'clock we went to the gym, where we had the sleepover... We played some games and ate some snacks before we went to bed, well before most of us went to bed. Jana, Hannah, Selin and I stayed in the bathroom until 3 o'clock in the morning, talking. Then we finally went to sleep...
The next morning we had to get up at 7:30 or something like that, because we had to leave the gym at 8:30, and we had to eat breakfast before... In the end, we waited in front of the gym until like 9:00, before we left to go to the Aviation Nation.
Then we finally left and went out to the Speedway, where the parkin lot was. The fun began there... We had to wait over 2 hours to get on the buses to get to the actual airshow. I hope that it would be a lot of fun, so I was kind of dissappointed when we arrived there. It was not what I expected and so I got bored... It even got worse, when I dropped my camera and it wasn't working anymore... So I was really glad, when we finally after around 5 hours went back to the gym, where Lorena picked Selin, Patricia and me up.
So on Saturday I got a hostsister, I was not really sure if I should be happy about it or not. But I was glad, so I wasn't alone anymore. But Patricia was pretty quiet.
On Monday already we got a call from Linda, she told us that she would pick up Patricia in the eveninng. So I actually had a hostsister for only 2 days... But I just saw how fast you get used to be an only child, way too fast :P
Then on Thursday, so yesterday we got another call from Linda, who told us then that Selin would come over to our house until around Tuesday. If you wonder why, Selin just had a temporary hostfamily, and since they're goint away for Thanksgiving, she needed a place to stay. But Linda already has a permanent family for her, just the paperwork isn't done yet. So she's staying with us until the paperwork is done, that means until around Tuesday.
So since today Selin's here, and she already drives me crazy with her music... but I have a lot of fun with her, more than with Patricia, because she also talks to me^^
Tomorrow we're going to the football game Moapa Valley vs. Arbor View. I hope it's gonna be fun =)
Freitag, 12. November 2010
Temporaly host sister
I just got the information that I get a host sister, temporarly though.
Her name is Patricia Hansen, she's from Denmark and she is 16. =)
She's coming home with me after sleepover/aviation nation =)
Her name is Patricia Hansen, she's from Denmark and she is 16. =)
She's coming home with me after sleepover/aviation nation =)
Workshop in California
Hey there =)
Last Weekend I have been to California, at a Anishinabe Workshop.
The Lodge we were staying at was very beautiful, it was around 15 minutes away from Santa Cruz, and the people very nice. The Workshop itself wasn't for me. Already after 20 minutes of a 3-day Workshop I was asking myself: "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?": One thing for example was the asema. It actually is just tobacco you give to Mothe Earth when you take something from it. That means, when you take an apple from the tree, you put down some asema to thank Mother Earth. One other thing was that we would have to get some stones, and one of the so called Spiritual Leaders said, before we take the stone we should talk to the stone, ask him if it is ok to take him away, and then listen to the answer... Well yeah, like I said, nothing for me. But since I was there and couln't just walk off, I participated the first 2 days. I even help making a hole into a gourd, to pour the water in the sweat lodge. In the evening of the second day we had the sweat lodge. In there it was absolutely dark and when they started to put some herbes on the stone and then poured water over them I felt uncomfortable. Unfortunately I couldn't get out until they finished their round of prayer. That was when I got claustrophobic, the voice of the girl, sitting right in front of me, suddendly came from my right side, so I had no longer any orientation and didn't even know, where the door was. As soon as their prayers were over I stood up and walked (it was more like crawling though^^) out of the sweat lodge.
The next morning I slept in and get to the meeting too late, but I wasn't the only one. When Connie, the main spiritual leader, started to tell us about the visions she had, I was fine. But when she said, that these vision were real, that she didn't only made them up, I just wanted to leave the room, because this seemed like brain washing to me. Well I left the room then and because I haven't had anything else to do, I went into the kitchen. The rest of the day I helped in the kitchen to prepare the food. I helped makin the cornbread, the meatloaf and the mashed potatoes. In the evening the meeting of the group took way longer, than the had planned and since the two cooks had to leave, they put me in charge of the kitchen, I really enjoyed this day!
On Monday then, we left the Lodge and started on our way home. My hostmum wanted me to see the coast once, so we drove along Highway 1, which is right next to the coast. We made it just to Big Sur, due to our late departing at the lodge and because we took it really easy, and even went to a bookstore in Santa Cruz, so I had something to read while driving. We stayed in a lodge in Big Sur for the night, and my hostmum actually planned to go for a hike in the morning befor leaving, but we sort of slept in, so we didn't had the time for a hike, and we left the lodge around 11:30 in the morning. We kept going along Highway 1 and made a short stop at Hearst Castle, unfortunately we didn't had time to go on a tour to see the castle. But I saw some pictures of it, it is HUGE! After Hearst Castle we soon turned inland, and the boring part of the travel began. We were finally home at 11:20 in the evening and I went to bed pretty soon, because I had to get up for school at 5 the next morning.
This Weekend was really great and luckily I only had school on Wednesday, because of Veteransday. Then on Thursday I got the most awesome message ever, guess what? I am going to South Dakota around Christmas, isnt' that awesome? Well I may tell you that my twin sister is in South Dakota for an exchange year, so in other words, I'm going to see her after 5 month of not seeing her. And that's just AWESOME!!!!!!!
So, that's it, I may make another post after this weekend, because there is the sleepover and aviation thing today =)
Last Weekend I have been to California, at a Anishinabe Workshop.
The Lodge we were staying at was very beautiful, it was around 15 minutes away from Santa Cruz, and the people very nice. The Workshop itself wasn't for me. Already after 20 minutes of a 3-day Workshop I was asking myself: "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?": One thing for example was the asema. It actually is just tobacco you give to Mothe Earth when you take something from it. That means, when you take an apple from the tree, you put down some asema to thank Mother Earth. One other thing was that we would have to get some stones, and one of the so called Spiritual Leaders said, before we take the stone we should talk to the stone, ask him if it is ok to take him away, and then listen to the answer... Well yeah, like I said, nothing for me. But since I was there and couln't just walk off, I participated the first 2 days. I even help making a hole into a gourd, to pour the water in the sweat lodge. In the evening of the second day we had the sweat lodge. In there it was absolutely dark and when they started to put some herbes on the stone and then poured water over them I felt uncomfortable. Unfortunately I couldn't get out until they finished their round of prayer. That was when I got claustrophobic, the voice of the girl, sitting right in front of me, suddendly came from my right side, so I had no longer any orientation and didn't even know, where the door was. As soon as their prayers were over I stood up and walked (it was more like crawling though^^) out of the sweat lodge.
The next morning I slept in and get to the meeting too late, but I wasn't the only one. When Connie, the main spiritual leader, started to tell us about the visions she had, I was fine. But when she said, that these vision were real, that she didn't only made them up, I just wanted to leave the room, because this seemed like brain washing to me. Well I left the room then and because I haven't had anything else to do, I went into the kitchen. The rest of the day I helped in the kitchen to prepare the food. I helped makin the cornbread, the meatloaf and the mashed potatoes. In the evening the meeting of the group took way longer, than the had planned and since the two cooks had to leave, they put me in charge of the kitchen, I really enjoyed this day!
On Monday then, we left the Lodge and started on our way home. My hostmum wanted me to see the coast once, so we drove along Highway 1, which is right next to the coast. We made it just to Big Sur, due to our late departing at the lodge and because we took it really easy, and even went to a bookstore in Santa Cruz, so I had something to read while driving. We stayed in a lodge in Big Sur for the night, and my hostmum actually planned to go for a hike in the morning befor leaving, but we sort of slept in, so we didn't had the time for a hike, and we left the lodge around 11:30 in the morning. We kept going along Highway 1 and made a short stop at Hearst Castle, unfortunately we didn't had time to go on a tour to see the castle. But I saw some pictures of it, it is HUGE! After Hearst Castle we soon turned inland, and the boring part of the travel began. We were finally home at 11:20 in the evening and I went to bed pretty soon, because I had to get up for school at 5 the next morning.
This Weekend was really great and luckily I only had school on Wednesday, because of Veteransday. Then on Thursday I got the most awesome message ever, guess what? I am going to South Dakota around Christmas, isnt' that awesome? Well I may tell you that my twin sister is in South Dakota for an exchange year, so in other words, I'm going to see her after 5 month of not seeing her. And that's just AWESOME!!!!!!!
So, that's it, I may make another post after this weekend, because there is the sleepover and aviation thing today =)
Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010
Halloween Weekend \m/
Hey everybody =)
This weekend is Halloween! Isn't that cool, well I think it is.
So, my Halloween weekend already started on Thursday after school. Why? Because of Nevada Day, we haven't had school on Friday. So on Friday I took my time to skype with Fabiola, Cynthia and Natalie. It was great to talk to all of them after quite a long time.
Then after the talk with them, my hostmum took me to the Atomic Museum. This museum is all about the Nevada Test Side. On the Nevada Test Side they tested (what a surprise :P) atomic bombs. I learned some things about it, for example they didn't even inform the people in Las Vegas about the tests. They just were woken up at 5 in the morning because of the shaking of the earth. That's how they found out about the tests...
And because people didn't know about the radioactiv effects, they went to watch the bombs exploding. It became sort of a tourist attraction, and they even elected a MISS ATOMIC BOMB.
In the evening then, I went to Selin for a sleepover. We watched O.C. California and also some Türkish für Anfänger, but her internet didn't really work, so we couldn't watch that much of it.
The next morning when we got up, we ate breakfast and then Juliane's hostfamily came to pick us up and drive us to Town Square. There we went shopping, for around 5 hours. I bought quite a few things, which I actually also needed. After the shopping my hostmum picked us up, to bring Juliane home and me and Selin back to Selin's house. Her hostdad took us then to dinner and the carshow on the parking lot next to the restaurant. Afterwards we went home, to change the car and go to Freemont-Street.
The Freemont-Street is in old Las Vegas and not accessible for cars. There is a lightshow very hour after 8 pm. It was lot of fun and there were some really weird people. Well actually they weren't even that weird, they just wore Halloween costumes and it was a real pleasure to look at all the diffrent costumes, even when there were some, you didn't even wanted to see :P
On Sunday, Hallween was finally here. I went to the EF-Halloween-Party. At 5:45 Selin's hostdad picked me up and we went over to Henderson, where the party was. When we arrived there weren't that many people yet. We ate something before we finally went trick or treating. I got a whole lot of candy and I think I'm not gonna finish them so soon. I really had a great time with all the people, but unfortunately Selin's hostdad was there very soon to give us a ride back home.
If you want to see some pictures, go to my facebook!
This weekend is Halloween! Isn't that cool, well I think it is.
So, my Halloween weekend already started on Thursday after school. Why? Because of Nevada Day, we haven't had school on Friday. So on Friday I took my time to skype with Fabiola, Cynthia and Natalie. It was great to talk to all of them after quite a long time.
Then after the talk with them, my hostmum took me to the Atomic Museum. This museum is all about the Nevada Test Side. On the Nevada Test Side they tested (what a surprise :P) atomic bombs. I learned some things about it, for example they didn't even inform the people in Las Vegas about the tests. They just were woken up at 5 in the morning because of the shaking of the earth. That's how they found out about the tests...
And because people didn't know about the radioactiv effects, they went to watch the bombs exploding. It became sort of a tourist attraction, and they even elected a MISS ATOMIC BOMB.
In the evening then, I went to Selin for a sleepover. We watched O.C. California and also some Türkish für Anfänger, but her internet didn't really work, so we couldn't watch that much of it.
The next morning when we got up, we ate breakfast and then Juliane's hostfamily came to pick us up and drive us to Town Square. There we went shopping, for around 5 hours. I bought quite a few things, which I actually also needed. After the shopping my hostmum picked us up, to bring Juliane home and me and Selin back to Selin's house. Her hostdad took us then to dinner and the carshow on the parking lot next to the restaurant. Afterwards we went home, to change the car and go to Freemont-Street.
The Freemont-Street is in old Las Vegas and not accessible for cars. There is a lightshow very hour after 8 pm. It was lot of fun and there were some really weird people. Well actually they weren't even that weird, they just wore Halloween costumes and it was a real pleasure to look at all the diffrent costumes, even when there were some, you didn't even wanted to see :P
On Sunday, Hallween was finally here. I went to the EF-Halloween-Party. At 5:45 Selin's hostdad picked me up and we went over to Henderson, where the party was. When we arrived there weren't that many people yet. We ate something before we finally went trick or treating. I got a whole lot of candy and I think I'm not gonna finish them so soon. I really had a great time with all the people, but unfortunately Selin's hostdad was there very soon to give us a ride back home.
If you want to see some pictures, go to my facebook!
Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010
San Francisco =)
Hell yeah, I was in San Francisco, isn't that awesome!?
On Thursday evening I went to the airport to meet with all the other EF students going on the trip. After a 1 and a half hour flight we arrive in San Francisco, where we had to wait for the buses to pick us up and bring us to the hotel. When we arrived around 10 o'clock we just went to our rooms and soon after to bed.
The next morning we got up around 7 to get ready before we met for breakfast at 8. The breakfast room was crowded when we came, so we first had to wait 10 min to get a table. After breakfast we went to the sightseeing busstop. But on the way some girls of our group discovered a Staebucks so we had to wait at the busstop for over 30 minutes, because the first bus was already full. This gave us some time to go shopping in the stores right around the stop. All there was, was a shoestore, a camera store and a souvenirshop, with a lot of shirts and sweaters.
The first sightseeing tour was through downtown San Francisco and took about an hour. After this we had 2 hours for shopping and eating lunch, before the second sightseeing tour out to the Golden Gate Bridge began.
We stopped after the Golden Gate Bridge on a parkinglot to make pictures, but we only had about 5 minutes, so I didn't really took that many pictures. After the stop at the parking lot we went to Sausalito, a town where you can't find a house for under $3 Millions, even when the houses aren't that spectacular.
When we came back, we had some more time for shopping and then we went to the Hard Rock Café for dinner. It was pretty expensive and the food wasn't even that tasty. Well yeah, that's life.
After dinner we went for a walk on Pier 39. There were a lot of little stores, but we haven't had enough time to really buy something.
Back in the hotel, we went to our rooms. I wrote some postcards and talked to the other girls in the room, it was funny.
The next day we met half an hour later for breakfast, so it wasn't that crowded and we were sooner finished. Then we went once again to the busstop to make the 3rd sightseeing tour. This one took us out to the Golden Gate Park, a really nice, green (yeah, I miss green plants) and huge park. But we didn't got off the bus, because we would have had to wait 2 hours until the next one would come.
Then we got of the bus at Union Square. A big shopping area, with a lot of expensive stores. We had around 3 hours of free time. My group spent most of the time just sitting in the park and relax a bit. We even discovered that there are plugs next to trees in San Franciso. (We saw a homeless charging his cellphone there^^)
Then after the shopping at Union Square, we went to China Town. Some more shopping, this time mostly cheap souvenirs^^, and finally dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
After we had a very delicious dinner we went to the cablecar stop to get a ride, but infortunately all of them were too full, so we had to walk. When we were near the hotel we had the choice of going back to the hotel or going to the Lombard Street, that's the one with the turns. I decided to go there. We walked down to take some pictures, but thus it was dark, all of them turn out pretty bad. On the way back up, we saw a Strechlimousine stuck in the first turn. It was hillarious, because he needed around 15 minutes to get out again.
The next morning we would have met at 6:30 for breakfast, but in my room nobody heard the alarmclock. So we had to get ready, pack all our things and eat breakfast in 20 minutes... we got it, luckily.
Then after we checked out of the hotel, we went for a walk to the Alcatraztur departing pier. It took us around 40 minutes. After waiting for around an hour, we got on the boat, which took us to Alcatraz. It was really awesome, to see this prison once from the inside. By the way, the view from Alcatraz is just magnificent!
After Alcatraz we had some time left for eating lunch and shopping(once again^^).
Then we went back to the hotel for the buses to takes us to the airport.
While we were waiting for our flight to board, we decided to make a pyramide. It didn't really work to the top, but it was fun though.
After such an amazing weekend, school on monday was even harder, but I somehow survived it without fallin asleep.
You'll here from me sometime around Halloween again, hopefully.
On Thursday evening I went to the airport to meet with all the other EF students going on the trip. After a 1 and a half hour flight we arrive in San Francisco, where we had to wait for the buses to pick us up and bring us to the hotel. When we arrived around 10 o'clock we just went to our rooms and soon after to bed.
The next morning we got up around 7 to get ready before we met for breakfast at 8. The breakfast room was crowded when we came, so we first had to wait 10 min to get a table. After breakfast we went to the sightseeing busstop. But on the way some girls of our group discovered a Staebucks so we had to wait at the busstop for over 30 minutes, because the first bus was already full. This gave us some time to go shopping in the stores right around the stop. All there was, was a shoestore, a camera store and a souvenirshop, with a lot of shirts and sweaters.
The first sightseeing tour was through downtown San Francisco and took about an hour. After this we had 2 hours for shopping and eating lunch, before the second sightseeing tour out to the Golden Gate Bridge began.
We stopped after the Golden Gate Bridge on a parkinglot to make pictures, but we only had about 5 minutes, so I didn't really took that many pictures. After the stop at the parking lot we went to Sausalito, a town where you can't find a house for under $3 Millions, even when the houses aren't that spectacular.
When we came back, we had some more time for shopping and then we went to the Hard Rock Café for dinner. It was pretty expensive and the food wasn't even that tasty. Well yeah, that's life.
After dinner we went for a walk on Pier 39. There were a lot of little stores, but we haven't had enough time to really buy something.
Back in the hotel, we went to our rooms. I wrote some postcards and talked to the other girls in the room, it was funny.
The next day we met half an hour later for breakfast, so it wasn't that crowded and we were sooner finished. Then we went once again to the busstop to make the 3rd sightseeing tour. This one took us out to the Golden Gate Park, a really nice, green (yeah, I miss green plants) and huge park. But we didn't got off the bus, because we would have had to wait 2 hours until the next one would come.
Then we got of the bus at Union Square. A big shopping area, with a lot of expensive stores. We had around 3 hours of free time. My group spent most of the time just sitting in the park and relax a bit. We even discovered that there are plugs next to trees in San Franciso. (We saw a homeless charging his cellphone there^^)
Then after the shopping at Union Square, we went to China Town. Some more shopping, this time mostly cheap souvenirs^^, and finally dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
After we had a very delicious dinner we went to the cablecar stop to get a ride, but infortunately all of them were too full, so we had to walk. When we were near the hotel we had the choice of going back to the hotel or going to the Lombard Street, that's the one with the turns. I decided to go there. We walked down to take some pictures, but thus it was dark, all of them turn out pretty bad. On the way back up, we saw a Strechlimousine stuck in the first turn. It was hillarious, because he needed around 15 minutes to get out again.
The next morning we would have met at 6:30 for breakfast, but in my room nobody heard the alarmclock. So we had to get ready, pack all our things and eat breakfast in 20 minutes... we got it, luckily.
Then after we checked out of the hotel, we went for a walk to the Alcatraztur departing pier. It took us around 40 minutes. After waiting for around an hour, we got on the boat, which took us to Alcatraz. It was really awesome, to see this prison once from the inside. By the way, the view from Alcatraz is just magnificent!
After Alcatraz we had some time left for eating lunch and shopping(once again^^).
Then we went back to the hotel for the buses to takes us to the airport.
While we were waiting for our flight to board, we decided to make a pyramide. It didn't really work to the top, but it was fun though.
After such an amazing weekend, school on monday was even harder, but I somehow survived it without fallin asleep.
You'll here from me sometime around Halloween again, hopefully.
Yeah, ok... it's already been more than a week, but I thought you would like to hear about my Homecoming though.
So, Friday evening a week ago, I went to the Homecoming game. The cool thing about the game was actually the parade after the 2nd quartet. Why should a parade be so cool? Well I tell you one thing. I am in the international club and we had a float. Two hours befor the game began, we started to decorate a truck. It look really really cool. Then we went watching the game, it was pretty boring and I had the feeling the teams only stood on the field without doing anything. After the 2nd quarter we went to the float and I could go on the float and so participate in the parade. It was so much fun. After the parade, the game seemed to be even more boring than before, I left befor the third quarter was over. By the way, my team won 40 to 0. So it was the perfect homecoming game, and they didn't only stand around, even if it seemed so to me.
Then on Saturday I went to Selin's House to get ready for the dance. We had a blast. After we were ready, we took some picture around her house. Then soon after Selin's hostdad drove us to the school in an old (1965) car. He told us it would be an American mussel car, i just don't remember the brand. But it was the most awesome carride in my life! When we arrived at the dance, 30 min after it started, I met my date... I didn't really like him and I was glad, that Selin and Julian were there as well, so I could more hang out with them, that with my date. The dance was, all in all, boring. The music was bad, the people weren't really dancing... but I had a lot of fun with the people I was there with or who I met there.
After the dance we went to Juliane's house to eat pizza (we hadn't had dinner yet) and to hang out a little bit.
The crazy thing about the dance was, that it started at 7pm and was already over at 10 pm. Which was actually good for me, because I was bored.
So, that was my homecoming, boring, pretty short but still fun. =)
So, Friday evening a week ago, I went to the Homecoming game. The cool thing about the game was actually the parade after the 2nd quartet. Why should a parade be so cool? Well I tell you one thing. I am in the international club and we had a float. Two hours befor the game began, we started to decorate a truck. It look really really cool. Then we went watching the game, it was pretty boring and I had the feeling the teams only stood on the field without doing anything. After the 2nd quarter we went to the float and I could go on the float and so participate in the parade. It was so much fun. After the parade, the game seemed to be even more boring than before, I left befor the third quarter was over. By the way, my team won 40 to 0. So it was the perfect homecoming game, and they didn't only stand around, even if it seemed so to me.
Then on Saturday I went to Selin's House to get ready for the dance. We had a blast. After we were ready, we took some picture around her house. Then soon after Selin's hostdad drove us to the school in an old (1965) car. He told us it would be an American mussel car, i just don't remember the brand. But it was the most awesome carride in my life! When we arrived at the dance, 30 min after it started, I met my date... I didn't really like him and I was glad, that Selin and Julian were there as well, so I could more hang out with them, that with my date. The dance was, all in all, boring. The music was bad, the people weren't really dancing... but I had a lot of fun with the people I was there with or who I met there.
After the dance we went to Juliane's house to eat pizza (we hadn't had dinner yet) and to hang out a little bit.
The crazy thing about the dance was, that it started at 7pm and was already over at 10 pm. Which was actually good for me, because I was bored.
So, that was my homecoming, boring, pretty short but still fun. =)
Sonntag, 19. September 2010
Hello =)
I'm sorry that I hadn't posted anything so long, but I just didn't feel like writing and was also quite busy with school and all the other stuff. But today I decided that it's time to do another post.
Becaus it's almost 3 weeks since my last post, I have a lot to tell you and I will probably make 2 post, but yeah, we'll see.
Wow, that's cool. After a week of school already a 3-day weekend. On Saturday I was quite bored, because Lorena was the whole day at a workshop. So all I could do, was staying at home, be on the computer, watch Tv, etc. When I was too bored even to watch TV, I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies. They are yummi =)Soon after Lorena came back and we just ate dinner and watch a little bit more of TV.
On Sunday then, Lorena took me to the International Market. That was fun. We just wandered through the store for about 3 hours, and still didn't saw everything, it's just huge. But I had a lot of fun, to see all the diffrent foods from all over the world. And I discovered "OVALTINE" and some huge cooking pan and spoons (see pictures).

On Tuesday the second week of school began. I met up with the German girl Juliane everyday before school, and on every A-day also at lunch. At lunch Claudette joined us as well, she's a 15 year old freshmen at Centennial and I met her on my first day.
On Thursday I also met Selin, she's from Germany and is here with EF, like me.
The next weekend Lorena took me to the Rampart Casino for lunch, and we had planned to go to the cinema afterwards. But after lunch we still had 1 hour to go until the movie started, so we decided to walk around the hotel a bit. The "garden" was so beautiful, it was all green with some trees, and also some waterponds. We also were inside the hotel and stop at the shop, just to see what they offer. In the end, we needed longer than an hour, and Lorena had to go buy something in a shop near the Rampart, so we ended up going home, instead to the cinema. The day was great though.
In the 3rd week of school I met some more exchange students and I actually like going to school by now. I figured out, that geometry is way to easy for me, so I went to see my teacher and asked him what I should do. He told me I should go to the counselor and ask her, if I could sort of try out algebry 2 for a week or something, to see if it would be too hard for me (on the vocabulary basis). I haven't met up with my counselor yet, it seemed like she wasn't around, so I will go to the counselor office tomorrow again.
The 3rd week was only 4 days for me. This is so, because I had to go to the mandatory EF Orientation Camp at the Fox Trail Camp on Mt. Charleston. In the beginning I didn't want to go there, because I would miss a day of school, and because I had the suspicion, that they're going to tell us all the stuff they told us before on the Orientation Meeting in Switzerland and the L&C camp. But in the end I looked forward to it, because I would see Kathi and Julia again.
So on Thursday when I came back from school I just packed my things for camp and then Lorena and I went to pick up Kaori and Alina, to go to camp. Fox Trail Camp is a girls scout camp up in Mt. Charleston. All the exchange students were split up in cabins of 12/13 people.
The first evening we just ate dinner and then we went making smorres on a campfire. It was very freezing outside, unless you were near the fire.
The next day we got up at 7. After breakfast we had our first OM (orientation meeting). It was about 2 hours, and very boring. There were even some students fallen asleep. After the meeting we had some free time and also lunch. Then in the afternoon we had some more Orientation, in 3 diffrent groups, called break up session. In one of the groups we played Apple to Apple, a quite funny game. In the evening after dinner, we had a dance. It was quiet fun, but already ended at 10pm.
Then on Saturday, the last day of camp, we had another break up session. The informatif part was boring like ever before, but the game part was a lot of fun. We played 3 diffrent games. One of them was called "When you can't do this, then you're dumb, dumb, dumb". It was so funny. After the break up session, my cabin finally started to prepare the country presentation for the evening, my cabin had Spain. We didn't need too long. After lunch we had free time, and almost all the girls in my cabin were together in our cabin, just talking about everything.
Then around 4:30 the parents arrived and we had to go to down to the main building, to welcome them and get ready for the presentation. The presetations were pretty cool and very funny to watch.
After the presentation we ate dinner, and then Lorena took me back home.
My suspicion that all the information is going to be the same as in Switzerland and the L&C camp was absolutely right. The camp was awesome though, becuase I had a lot of fun and met a bunch of new people.
On the picture you see the whole group of the EF exchange student in Las Vegas, Mesquite and Moapa Valley, and the main building of the Fox Trail Camp:

Today I went lookin for shoes with Lorena, I found to pairs =). After we bought my shoes, we went to a Halloween store. This is something typical American I would say. A Halloween store is a shop, which opens just around Halloween with a lot of costumes and Halloween decoration. I try out several mask, and Lorena had fun taking picture of me, so I decided I'll share on with you:

That's already it. I decided I leave it in on pieces even though it's pretty long. But on this way it's less confusing (don't ask me why, i just needed a reason :P)
I try to post more often, so the posts won't be too long.
I'm sorry that I hadn't posted anything so long, but I just didn't feel like writing and was also quite busy with school and all the other stuff. But today I decided that it's time to do another post.
Becaus it's almost 3 weeks since my last post, I have a lot to tell you and I will probably make 2 post, but yeah, we'll see.
Wow, that's cool. After a week of school already a 3-day weekend. On Saturday I was quite bored, because Lorena was the whole day at a workshop. So all I could do, was staying at home, be on the computer, watch Tv, etc. When I was too bored even to watch TV, I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies. They are yummi =)Soon after Lorena came back and we just ate dinner and watch a little bit more of TV.
On Sunday then, Lorena took me to the International Market. That was fun. We just wandered through the store for about 3 hours, and still didn't saw everything, it's just huge. But I had a lot of fun, to see all the diffrent foods from all over the world. And I discovered "OVALTINE" and some huge cooking pan and spoons (see pictures).
On Tuesday the second week of school began. I met up with the German girl Juliane everyday before school, and on every A-day also at lunch. At lunch Claudette joined us as well, she's a 15 year old freshmen at Centennial and I met her on my first day.
On Thursday I also met Selin, she's from Germany and is here with EF, like me.
The next weekend Lorena took me to the Rampart Casino for lunch, and we had planned to go to the cinema afterwards. But after lunch we still had 1 hour to go until the movie started, so we decided to walk around the hotel a bit. The "garden" was so beautiful, it was all green with some trees, and also some waterponds. We also were inside the hotel and stop at the shop, just to see what they offer. In the end, we needed longer than an hour, and Lorena had to go buy something in a shop near the Rampart, so we ended up going home, instead to the cinema. The day was great though.
In the 3rd week of school I met some more exchange students and I actually like going to school by now. I figured out, that geometry is way to easy for me, so I went to see my teacher and asked him what I should do. He told me I should go to the counselor and ask her, if I could sort of try out algebry 2 for a week or something, to see if it would be too hard for me (on the vocabulary basis). I haven't met up with my counselor yet, it seemed like she wasn't around, so I will go to the counselor office tomorrow again.
The 3rd week was only 4 days for me. This is so, because I had to go to the mandatory EF Orientation Camp at the Fox Trail Camp on Mt. Charleston. In the beginning I didn't want to go there, because I would miss a day of school, and because I had the suspicion, that they're going to tell us all the stuff they told us before on the Orientation Meeting in Switzerland and the L&C camp. But in the end I looked forward to it, because I would see Kathi and Julia again.
So on Thursday when I came back from school I just packed my things for camp and then Lorena and I went to pick up Kaori and Alina, to go to camp. Fox Trail Camp is a girls scout camp up in Mt. Charleston. All the exchange students were split up in cabins of 12/13 people.
The first evening we just ate dinner and then we went making smorres on a campfire. It was very freezing outside, unless you were near the fire.
The next day we got up at 7. After breakfast we had our first OM (orientation meeting). It was about 2 hours, and very boring. There were even some students fallen asleep. After the meeting we had some free time and also lunch. Then in the afternoon we had some more Orientation, in 3 diffrent groups, called break up session. In one of the groups we played Apple to Apple, a quite funny game. In the evening after dinner, we had a dance. It was quiet fun, but already ended at 10pm.
Then on Saturday, the last day of camp, we had another break up session. The informatif part was boring like ever before, but the game part was a lot of fun. We played 3 diffrent games. One of them was called "When you can't do this, then you're dumb, dumb, dumb". It was so funny. After the break up session, my cabin finally started to prepare the country presentation for the evening, my cabin had Spain. We didn't need too long. After lunch we had free time, and almost all the girls in my cabin were together in our cabin, just talking about everything.
Then around 4:30 the parents arrived and we had to go to down to the main building, to welcome them and get ready for the presentation. The presetations were pretty cool and very funny to watch.
After the presentation we ate dinner, and then Lorena took me back home.
My suspicion that all the information is going to be the same as in Switzerland and the L&C camp was absolutely right. The camp was awesome though, becuase I had a lot of fun and met a bunch of new people.
On the picture you see the whole group of the EF exchange student in Las Vegas, Mesquite and Moapa Valley, and the main building of the Fox Trail Camp:

Today I went lookin for shoes with Lorena, I found to pairs =). After we bought my shoes, we went to a Halloween store. This is something typical American I would say. A Halloween store is a shop, which opens just around Halloween with a lot of costumes and Halloween decoration. I try out several mask, and Lorena had fun taking picture of me, so I decided I'll share on with you:
That's already it. I decided I leave it in on pieces even though it's pretty long. But on this way it's less confusing (don't ask me why, i just needed a reason :P)
I try to post more often, so the posts won't be too long.
Dienstag, 31. August 2010
Hey you =)
So Yesterday I had my first schoolday at an American High School. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? But I tell you, it is only exciting for the first 15 muntes, afterwards it was boring. Why? Well you're going to see, when I tell you more about my first schoolday:
I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning. That's pretty early, especially for me. But anyway. I left home at 6 o'clock, to go to the schoolbus-stop. My schoolbus left at 6:21 and arrived at school around 6:45. The first hour in school was homeroom. We got our schedule and all the information about A and B days, lunchtime and all this stuff. After homeroom I had Geometry, but only for half an hour: All we did in this class, was sitting on our table, waiting for the teacher to call our name, going to the teacher so he could sign our schedule, go back to our seat and then wait for the rest of the class. After Geometry it was the same at U.S. History. My next class was Myth&Folklore, and it was the first class we didn't only wait. The teacher explained the classroom rules. Not that interesting, but still better than just waiting. After Myth I had Drawing, it was actually once again the same, but it wasn't as noring as before, because the girl on my table was very talkactive, so I had to speak with her. She was very nice. Then I had Japanese, it's somehow quite strange, but not really noring. The teacher as well explained the rules and gave us a sheet with the course expectation on it.
Then I had lunch. For only half an hour. While I was waiting in the line, I met Yanisa, a girl I knew from the Volleyball practice. But She went off to sit down with her friends pretty soon. So I started to talk with to other girls, 2 freshmen who were really nice.
After lunch I had Computer Application, American Literature and Chemistry.
Comp App was as boring as Geometry. But American Literature was much better, because we had an Icebreaker. This means the teacher handed out a sheet with sentence like:
someone who's an only child. And then you had to go to your classmates and ask them, and if you found someone who the sentence was true for, he/she had to sign your sheet. So I got to talk to people and I had something to do, which let the 30 minutes pass a little bit faster.
The last class then was Chemistry. The teacher told us something about the grading and all this stuff, but also about himself. It was actually quite funny.
After my last class I had to go to homeroom once again, to hand in the schedule, evry teacher had signed. Then I headed over to the buses and went home.
Today I already had my second day. It was an A-day, so I had Geometry, Myth&Folklore, Japanese and American Literature. Since we now had like one and a half hour each classe, we finally started in all classes, but most of the time it was only about the procedures. Still better than yesterday.
Before Geometry started, I met an other exchange student, from Germany. She's very nice; and on this place I wanted to spot, that we only spoke English with eachother!
So now, I'm going to do my homework!
Good bye
So Yesterday I had my first schoolday at an American High School. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? But I tell you, it is only exciting for the first 15 muntes, afterwards it was boring. Why? Well you're going to see, when I tell you more about my first schoolday:
I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning. That's pretty early, especially for me. But anyway. I left home at 6 o'clock, to go to the schoolbus-stop. My schoolbus left at 6:21 and arrived at school around 6:45. The first hour in school was homeroom. We got our schedule and all the information about A and B days, lunchtime and all this stuff. After homeroom I had Geometry, but only for half an hour: All we did in this class, was sitting on our table, waiting for the teacher to call our name, going to the teacher so he could sign our schedule, go back to our seat and then wait for the rest of the class. After Geometry it was the same at U.S. History. My next class was Myth&Folklore, and it was the first class we didn't only wait. The teacher explained the classroom rules. Not that interesting, but still better than just waiting. After Myth I had Drawing, it was actually once again the same, but it wasn't as noring as before, because the girl on my table was very talkactive, so I had to speak with her. She was very nice. Then I had Japanese, it's somehow quite strange, but not really noring. The teacher as well explained the rules and gave us a sheet with the course expectation on it.
Then I had lunch. For only half an hour. While I was waiting in the line, I met Yanisa, a girl I knew from the Volleyball practice. But She went off to sit down with her friends pretty soon. So I started to talk with to other girls, 2 freshmen who were really nice.
After lunch I had Computer Application, American Literature and Chemistry.
Comp App was as boring as Geometry. But American Literature was much better, because we had an Icebreaker. This means the teacher handed out a sheet with sentence like:
someone who's an only child. And then you had to go to your classmates and ask them, and if you found someone who the sentence was true for, he/she had to sign your sheet. So I got to talk to people and I had something to do, which let the 30 minutes pass a little bit faster.
The last class then was Chemistry. The teacher told us something about the grading and all this stuff, but also about himself. It was actually quite funny.
After my last class I had to go to homeroom once again, to hand in the schedule, evry teacher had signed. Then I headed over to the buses and went home.
Today I already had my second day. It was an A-day, so I had Geometry, Myth&Folklore, Japanese and American Literature. Since we now had like one and a half hour each classe, we finally started in all classes, but most of the time it was only about the procedures. Still better than yesterday.
Before Geometry started, I met an other exchange student, from Germany. She's very nice; and on this place I wanted to spot, that we only spoke English with eachother!
So now, I'm going to do my homework!
Good bye
Samstag, 28. August 2010
Hello =)
So I finally found some time to give you a quick update.
The meeting with the counselor was OK, the counselor was very nice and explain everything. The only bad thing was, that like 3 of the classes I actually wanted to take were already full, so I had to change. But anyway, for the next year I'm going to have Geometry, U.S. History, Myth&Folklore, Drawing, Japanese, Computer Application, American Literature and Chemistry.
On Wednesday Lorena and I went to my school again to figrure out, where my rooms are and stuff like that. After we found my homeroom, we went on to search the other rooms, but before we could do it, we met a very nice teacher. She explained me everything, and told me, if I have any problems or just need somebody to talk, I could always come to her. Now I feel ready to go to school on Monday. The only thing I don't like about it is, that my school bus leaves at 6:20 in the morning and I need about 15 minutes to the stop. That means I have to leave home at 6 o'clock in the morning.
On Thursday we went to the Strip. We parked at the Excalibur and then started to walk down the Strip. It was fun, but I haven't seen all of the strip by now, so we will go there again.
Yesterdaym Aspen, my hostmum's gradndaughter spent the whole day here, because her mom was working, and the school she's going to was closed. Aspen helped me making a carrot cake, which turned out good, but it just didn't really tasted like a carrot cake^^
In the afternoon, we went to a swimming pool. There were like 5 life guards for 2 pools, much more than I'm used to from Switzerland. After the pool, we went home and Yolanda, Aspen's mother came to pick her up. This day with Aspen was very exhausting, because she always wanted to play with me, but I had a lot of fun and I was never bored, during the whole day =)
Today we went to the other end of Las Vegas (we drove about40 minutes in the car to get there) for the EF Welcome Party. There I met Kathi once again. She's very happy at her new family, and she was smiling all the time. But we had to leave already after 1 and half hour, to go to Aspen's Birthday party.
It was a really nice party, everywhere in the room were some Mermaid decorations, and at the end of the party there was a Piñata.
I will try to post again after my first week of school
bye for now
So I finally found some time to give you a quick update.
The meeting with the counselor was OK, the counselor was very nice and explain everything. The only bad thing was, that like 3 of the classes I actually wanted to take were already full, so I had to change. But anyway, for the next year I'm going to have Geometry, U.S. History, Myth&Folklore, Drawing, Japanese, Computer Application, American Literature and Chemistry.
On Wednesday Lorena and I went to my school again to figrure out, where my rooms are and stuff like that. After we found my homeroom, we went on to search the other rooms, but before we could do it, we met a very nice teacher. She explained me everything, and told me, if I have any problems or just need somebody to talk, I could always come to her. Now I feel ready to go to school on Monday. The only thing I don't like about it is, that my school bus leaves at 6:20 in the morning and I need about 15 minutes to the stop. That means I have to leave home at 6 o'clock in the morning.
On Thursday we went to the Strip. We parked at the Excalibur and then started to walk down the Strip. It was fun, but I haven't seen all of the strip by now, so we will go there again.
Yesterdaym Aspen, my hostmum's gradndaughter spent the whole day here, because her mom was working, and the school she's going to was closed. Aspen helped me making a carrot cake, which turned out good, but it just didn't really tasted like a carrot cake^^
In the afternoon, we went to a swimming pool. There were like 5 life guards for 2 pools, much more than I'm used to from Switzerland. After the pool, we went home and Yolanda, Aspen's mother came to pick her up. This day with Aspen was very exhausting, because she always wanted to play with me, but I had a lot of fun and I was never bored, during the whole day =)
Today we went to the other end of Las Vegas (we drove about40 minutes in the car to get there) for the EF Welcome Party. There I met Kathi once again. She's very happy at her new family, and she was smiling all the time. But we had to leave already after 1 and half hour, to go to Aspen's Birthday party.
It was a really nice party, everywhere in the room were some Mermaid decorations, and at the end of the party there was a Piñata.
I will try to post again after my first week of school
bye for now
Donnerstag, 19. August 2010
Two weeks =)
Heyho =)
I'm here in Las Vegas for two weeks! Unbelieveable!
What happen in these two weeks?
SO at the first weekend I went to the cinema with my wonderful host mum Loreena. We went to see Inception, a very cinfusing movie, and I had to explain it to Lorena, becuase she didn't really got it.
On Monday was Lorena's birthday and her daughter Yolanda invited us for lunch. So we went to the Mirage and after Lunch, Lorena, Aspen (Yoland'y daughter) and I went to Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. It was an awesome day and I had lot of fun.
The next day we went to my High School to get my registration done, and also to the athletic office, to get my sport package. The sports package is actually a form you have to fill out, to get the allowance to do sports at the school.
We also went to the library, to get my a library card.
On Thursday we went once again to my High School, to bring the registration form and the sports package back. In the athletic office they told me, that they are practicing Volleyball at the moment, so I could go home and change and then come again to practice with them.
So I had my first Volley ball practice. It wasn't even that hard, but still exhausting.
On Friday I went there again. The people were all so nice and friendly, I really had fun, and even though I was quite bad at it.
The weekend was pretty boring for me, because my hostmum had to work and I actually could only be at the computer or watch TV... but in the afternoon my host mum took me once again to the cinema, this time we saw "Eat, Pray, Love", Julia Roberts' new movie. It's a good movie, but there is NO action in it.
Well then on Monday went to the Volleyball Try-outs, I had already improved a little bit, and I was quite proud of myself. On Tuesday I had to go to the Try-out again, after the Try-outs, they told us who's in the team and who's not. I wasn't surprised at all, when they announced, that I wasn't. The pnly bad thing about it is, that I actually don't have to do anything until school starts at August 30... so it's once again watching TV, being on the computer or reading.
Oh I forgot to tell you, that I'm going to meet the counselor today at noon, to discuss my classes and all this stuff. I'm quite nervous, because I have no idea, what I have to do there, but luckily Lorena comes with me.
And: Fabiola, my lovely twinsister is travelling today, to her host family in South Dakota, in a little town with a population between 1000-5000 people. A whole different experience than me, but at least the time difference is now only 2 hours, not like before 9 hours. That makes it a lot easier to skype with her =D
Good bye for now
I'm here in Las Vegas for two weeks! Unbelieveable!
What happen in these two weeks?
SO at the first weekend I went to the cinema with my wonderful host mum Loreena. We went to see Inception, a very cinfusing movie, and I had to explain it to Lorena, becuase she didn't really got it.
On Monday was Lorena's birthday and her daughter Yolanda invited us for lunch. So we went to the Mirage and after Lunch, Lorena, Aspen (Yoland'y daughter) and I went to Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. It was an awesome day and I had lot of fun.
The next day we went to my High School to get my registration done, and also to the athletic office, to get my sport package. The sports package is actually a form you have to fill out, to get the allowance to do sports at the school.
We also went to the library, to get my a library card.
On Thursday we went once again to my High School, to bring the registration form and the sports package back. In the athletic office they told me, that they are practicing Volleyball at the moment, so I could go home and change and then come again to practice with them.
So I had my first Volley ball practice. It wasn't even that hard, but still exhausting.
On Friday I went there again. The people were all so nice and friendly, I really had fun, and even though I was quite bad at it.
The weekend was pretty boring for me, because my hostmum had to work and I actually could only be at the computer or watch TV... but in the afternoon my host mum took me once again to the cinema, this time we saw "Eat, Pray, Love", Julia Roberts' new movie. It's a good movie, but there is NO action in it.
Well then on Monday went to the Volleyball Try-outs, I had already improved a little bit, and I was quite proud of myself. On Tuesday I had to go to the Try-out again, after the Try-outs, they told us who's in the team and who's not. I wasn't surprised at all, when they announced, that I wasn't. The pnly bad thing about it is, that I actually don't have to do anything until school starts at August 30... so it's once again watching TV, being on the computer or reading.
Oh I forgot to tell you, that I'm going to meet the counselor today at noon, to discuss my classes and all this stuff. I'm quite nervous, because I have no idea, what I have to do there, but luckily Lorena comes with me.
And: Fabiola, my lovely twinsister is travelling today, to her host family in South Dakota, in a little town with a population between 1000-5000 people. A whole different experience than me, but at least the time difference is now only 2 hours, not like before 9 hours. That makes it a lot easier to skype with her =D
Good bye for now
Mittwoch, 4. August 2010
Host family...
I'm now sitting in my room at my permanent family.
How I got here? I will tell you:
After leaving camp at 3 am we went to the airport in Burlington. At 6 am my plane to New York left. Once landed in New York we had to wait about half an hour in the plane, before we were allowed to leave it. But actually it didn't matter, because I still had to wait about 3 hours on the airport in New York and you couldn't really do anything. But anyway my next flight was the ond to LAS VEGAS.
When I was sitting in the plane I became so nervous about where I am going to now and all this stuff, because I got the information about an arrival family at midnight before I left camp.
When I finally landed in Las Vegas everything was good. I got toknow my arrival family and was told that I will go to my permanent family on monday.
My arrival family was very nice and even though I had to sleep on the couch for two nights I enjoyed being with them. On Sunday we went to visit my arrival mum's daughter, at the other end of Las Vegas. There we went swimming in the pool and I cooked together with my arrival mum a very easy dish. It was a very nice day.
On monday my arrival mum had to go to work at 6am. But the arrival dad and the 2 sons where around so I wasn't alone. Then around midday Julie, my IEC came to poick me up and bring me to my permanent family. But we still had to wait for the approvement from the Boston office so I stay with Julie and her 2 exchange students (Kathi and Lorenzo). When the approvement finally came up, we were at Julie's house and my host mum, Lorena, decided that she will come and pick me up.
While we waited for Lorena to pick me up, I was talking to Kathi and tried to cheer her up, because she doesn't fell comfortable at Julie's and she also felt very home sick.
Now to my host family:
Lorena Brown is a single lady. She has got a daughter, who already moved out and s very sweet kitty. Yesterday her granddaughter was here and I had a good time with her by playing Line-up 4 and cooking with her.
Lorena was born in Honduras, so she grew up speaking spanish and learnt English when she moved to the US and had to learn it, because of school and friends and stuff like that.
I actually don't know what she's working and how old she is, bit it actually doesn't matter.
In the next few days I haven't planned anything and school won't start befor August 30 so I have a lot of free time. May be I will write again to tell you some news about living with my host mum... we will see.
I'm now sitting in my room at my permanent family.
How I got here? I will tell you:
After leaving camp at 3 am we went to the airport in Burlington. At 6 am my plane to New York left. Once landed in New York we had to wait about half an hour in the plane, before we were allowed to leave it. But actually it didn't matter, because I still had to wait about 3 hours on the airport in New York and you couldn't really do anything. But anyway my next flight was the ond to LAS VEGAS.
When I was sitting in the plane I became so nervous about where I am going to now and all this stuff, because I got the information about an arrival family at midnight before I left camp.
When I finally landed in Las Vegas everything was good. I got toknow my arrival family and was told that I will go to my permanent family on monday.
My arrival family was very nice and even though I had to sleep on the couch for two nights I enjoyed being with them. On Sunday we went to visit my arrival mum's daughter, at the other end of Las Vegas. There we went swimming in the pool and I cooked together with my arrival mum a very easy dish. It was a very nice day.
On monday my arrival mum had to go to work at 6am. But the arrival dad and the 2 sons where around so I wasn't alone. Then around midday Julie, my IEC came to poick me up and bring me to my permanent family. But we still had to wait for the approvement from the Boston office so I stay with Julie and her 2 exchange students (Kathi and Lorenzo). When the approvement finally came up, we were at Julie's house and my host mum, Lorena, decided that she will come and pick me up.
While we waited for Lorena to pick me up, I was talking to Kathi and tried to cheer her up, because she doesn't fell comfortable at Julie's and she also felt very home sick.
Now to my host family:
Lorena Brown is a single lady. She has got a daughter, who already moved out and s very sweet kitty. Yesterday her granddaughter was here and I had a good time with her by playing Line-up 4 and cooking with her.
Lorena was born in Honduras, so she grew up speaking spanish and learnt English when she moved to the US and had to learn it, because of school and friends and stuff like that.
I actually don't know what she's working and how old she is, bit it actually doesn't matter.
In the next few days I haven't planned anything and school won't start befor August 30 so I have a lot of free time. May be I will write again to tell you some news about living with my host mum... we will see.
Freitag, 30. Juli 2010
Last Post while the camp =(
HEy there=)
Today is the last day in camp, unfortunately =(. These two weeks were seriously one of the best weeks in my life! I made alot of new friends and had a lot of fun. I will miss you guys!!!!!
There are no activities today do I have lots of time to post something =).
Yesterday evening Kathi and me made our suitcases until after midnight and then we started to watch High School Musical Senior Year, but after an hour we already stop, because we were just too tired and went to sleep.
I get up like 8 o'clock to go to breakfast and afterwards we went to school. But school wasn't like usual. In homeroom we signed each others Gator shirts. In the other classes, we only had 15 minutes in each, we said goodbye to the teacher just hung out a little bit. After the last class (Pam's class) we went to the stairs near the cafeteria with all the other Gators and made a big group photo.
After taking the photo we were free until 2 o'clock. So we had like 3 hours lunch time, but also some time to finish packing our suitcase.
After lunch we went to homeroom wher we got the last information about cleaning the room, the dance, boarding the buses to the airport and the flight itself. April, our wonderful homerroom teacher gave each one of us a magnet with a photo of the whole home room class.
In like half an hour I will go to dinner and then get ready for the "End of Camp Dance". After the dance we have some time to get back to our room and take our cabine luggage with us and then we have to wait in the Kreitzberg areena until our buses leave. Mine will leave at 3:15 so i have to wait there for about 4 hours. fortunately I'm not flying from Boston, but from Burlington, which is only 1 hour away from Norwich and not like 3 hours like Boston. Anyway my plane will leave at 6:00 am and I will fly to NEW YORK (I have to wait there for 3 hours, long enough to get bored, but too less to go in to the city) From New York I will then get to my last flight to LAS VEGAS. But I still have no host family and I can't get in touch with Wendy to tell her that I have to go to them, to be honest, it looks like Wendy isn't even at home... Therefor I was at the office to talk to Melissa, she's a member of the Boston Office, and told her, what's going on. She said that she will figured it out and I have to go to her befor dinner again. I seriously hope that she's got some good news for me.
So, I will now go to the office and afterwards I will go to dinner with Ella, Sila, Jenny, Julia and maybe some more.
I will post again, as soon as I got a family to live with.
Today is the last day in camp, unfortunately =(. These two weeks were seriously one of the best weeks in my life! I made alot of new friends and had a lot of fun. I will miss you guys!!!!!
There are no activities today do I have lots of time to post something =).
Yesterday evening Kathi and me made our suitcases until after midnight and then we started to watch High School Musical Senior Year, but after an hour we already stop, because we were just too tired and went to sleep.
I get up like 8 o'clock to go to breakfast and afterwards we went to school. But school wasn't like usual. In homeroom we signed each others Gator shirts. In the other classes, we only had 15 minutes in each, we said goodbye to the teacher just hung out a little bit. After the last class (Pam's class) we went to the stairs near the cafeteria with all the other Gators and made a big group photo.
After taking the photo we were free until 2 o'clock. So we had like 3 hours lunch time, but also some time to finish packing our suitcase.
After lunch we went to homeroom wher we got the last information about cleaning the room, the dance, boarding the buses to the airport and the flight itself. April, our wonderful homerroom teacher gave each one of us a magnet with a photo of the whole home room class.
In like half an hour I will go to dinner and then get ready for the "End of Camp Dance". After the dance we have some time to get back to our room and take our cabine luggage with us and then we have to wait in the Kreitzberg areena until our buses leave. Mine will leave at 3:15 so i have to wait there for about 4 hours. fortunately I'm not flying from Boston, but from Burlington, which is only 1 hour away from Norwich and not like 3 hours like Boston. Anyway my plane will leave at 6:00 am and I will fly to NEW YORK (I have to wait there for 3 hours, long enough to get bored, but too less to go in to the city) From New York I will then get to my last flight to LAS VEGAS. But I still have no host family and I can't get in touch with Wendy to tell her that I have to go to them, to be honest, it looks like Wendy isn't even at home... Therefor I was at the office to talk to Melissa, she's a member of the Boston Office, and told her, what's going on. She said that she will figured it out and I have to go to her befor dinner again. I seriously hope that she's got some good news for me.
So, I will now go to the office and afterwards I will go to dinner with Ella, Sila, Jenny, Julia and maybe some more.
I will post again, as soon as I got a family to live with.
Montag, 26. Juli 2010
Update =)
Hey you =)
A short update what was going on at camp:
Yesterday we were at lake Champlain, an hour ago form the Norwich University. Only a few people went swimming, because it was quite cold and very very windy, although the water was warm.
This morning we started school as usual at 9 o'clock. After the last lesson (finished at 3 o'clock) we only had one hour free time. In this hour we and my room mate Kathi made laundry. For the first time in our live all alone!!!! I think we succeeded, even if we haven't fold the laundry yet. After doing the laundry we went to the BBQ where we had only around half an hour to eat, because we had to be at the buses at 4:40.
You may wonder now, why buses, you want to know? Seriously? OK, I tell you: today we went to a BASEBALL GAME. This may sounds exciting, but it wasn't even that cool. I liked the cheering (almost only from EF teachers, returnees and some students) but the game was boring. THe worst thing about it was: the Lakemonsters lost! (OK, I actually know nothing about baseball, except the most important rules, but the Monsters were the hometeam in Burlington and we "had" to cheer for them.)
So, now after I checked the rooms, I will go to sleep. The camp is not that hard, but still exhausting enough to get tired, when you don't go to bed by time!
Sleep well & good night
PS: I forgot something to mention! Today we pranked Pam (current issue teacher) and April, our lovely home room teacher! But unfortunately it didn't worked that well, because the paper we put them on the back, felt down too soon. At least it was fun and definitif worth to try it!
A short update what was going on at camp:
Yesterday we were at lake Champlain, an hour ago form the Norwich University. Only a few people went swimming, because it was quite cold and very very windy, although the water was warm.
This morning we started school as usual at 9 o'clock. After the last lesson (finished at 3 o'clock) we only had one hour free time. In this hour we and my room mate Kathi made laundry. For the first time in our live all alone!!!! I think we succeeded, even if we haven't fold the laundry yet. After doing the laundry we went to the BBQ where we had only around half an hour to eat, because we had to be at the buses at 4:40.
You may wonder now, why buses, you want to know? Seriously? OK, I tell you: today we went to a BASEBALL GAME. This may sounds exciting, but it wasn't even that cool. I liked the cheering (almost only from EF teachers, returnees and some students) but the game was boring. THe worst thing about it was: the Lakemonsters lost! (OK, I actually know nothing about baseball, except the most important rules, but the Monsters were the hometeam in Burlington and we "had" to cheer for them.)
So, now after I checked the rooms, I will go to sleep. The camp is not that hard, but still exhausting enough to get tired, when you don't go to bed by time!
Sleep well & good night
PS: I forgot something to mention! Today we pranked Pam (current issue teacher) and April, our lovely home room teacher! But unfortunately it didn't worked that well, because the paper we put them on the back, felt down too soon. At least it was fun and definitif worth to try it!
Freitag, 23. Juli 2010
Boston =)
Hey you!
In the last past day was so much going on here in the camp, seriously. I just give you a short review about the last past day, and then some iformation about the day in Boston.
The school is very easy and chilling. The teacher are really cool and you sstill learn something. After school you have the possibility to do some activity (possibilty is may the wrong word, becaus you need at least 12 activities at the end of camp) like Ultimate Frisbee, Commando Hike, Fitness, Cheerleading, Soccer, Arts and Crafts (you would actually paint or tinker something, but when I was there, we were only talking with the teacher^^) and lots more.
But today we went to BOSTON, which means that we had no classes and no activities today (Yeah =D), otherwise we had to get up at half past 5 to go to breakfast and then going to the bus for the three-hours-trip to Boston.
In Boston we were totally free and could to whatever we wanted (it came out to be a shoppingday ^^)alsong as we were back at 6:30 p.m.
I went together with Eirin, Sila, Jenny and Ella (we're all in the same class). After some troubles finding the Quinzy Market (there are lots of shops to shop)we spent almost the whole day there. Shopping in Victorias Secrets and Abercrombie & Fitch (the coolest store ever).
When we went back to the bus it was raining cats and dogs and all EF students, returnees and teachers were either in the Starbucks near the meeting point or in anohter dry place.
We came back at Norqich around 10 o'clock, because of that the curfew wasn't at 11o'clock but at midnight. This was not really cool for me, because I'm one of the hall leader, which means I always have to check the rooms after curfew, so I couldn't go to bed, but had to stay awake until now.
After checking the rooms I will go bruching my teeth and then finally go to bed.
Good night
In the last past day was so much going on here in the camp, seriously. I just give you a short review about the last past day, and then some iformation about the day in Boston.
The school is very easy and chilling. The teacher are really cool and you sstill learn something. After school you have the possibility to do some activity (possibilty is may the wrong word, becaus you need at least 12 activities at the end of camp) like Ultimate Frisbee, Commando Hike, Fitness, Cheerleading, Soccer, Arts and Crafts (you would actually paint or tinker something, but when I was there, we were only talking with the teacher^^) and lots more.
But today we went to BOSTON, which means that we had no classes and no activities today (Yeah =D), otherwise we had to get up at half past 5 to go to breakfast and then going to the bus for the three-hours-trip to Boston.
In Boston we were totally free and could to whatever we wanted (it came out to be a shoppingday ^^)alsong as we were back at 6:30 p.m.
I went together with Eirin, Sila, Jenny and Ella (we're all in the same class). After some troubles finding the Quinzy Market (there are lots of shops to shop)we spent almost the whole day there. Shopping in Victorias Secrets and Abercrombie & Fitch (the coolest store ever).
When we went back to the bus it was raining cats and dogs and all EF students, returnees and teachers were either in the Starbucks near the meeting point or in anohter dry place.
We came back at Norqich around 10 o'clock, because of that the curfew wasn't at 11o'clock but at midnight. This was not really cool for me, because I'm one of the hall leader, which means I always have to check the rooms after curfew, so I couldn't go to bed, but had to stay awake until now.
After checking the rooms I will go bruching my teeth and then finally go to bed.
Good night
Montag, 19. Juli 2010
Hey everybody out there.
I landed about 14 hours ago in Boston and after a 3 hours bus ride finally arrived at the Norwich University after an 12 hours of travelling.
It's very very cool here!
I'm sharing the room with a german girl, Kathi is very nice, but in the end it's quite bad to be in the room with a german girl, because then you only speak German and not English... but it's also cool, because you don't have do thinkg too much and it's much easier to get along with her =)
This morning we had sort of a procession throug the campus. So all swiss people where together and all german people and all itlian people and so on...With this "procession" we went to the Plumley hall were we had the first information and we finally got to know our teacher and our class for the next two weeks.
But now I have to leave for school, or better said more information and a tour through the Norwich univerity campus.
So I'm going to tell you more in some days, when I'm more used to the life here in the United States.
I landed about 14 hours ago in Boston and after a 3 hours bus ride finally arrived at the Norwich University after an 12 hours of travelling.
It's very very cool here!
I'm sharing the room with a german girl, Kathi is very nice, but in the end it's quite bad to be in the room with a german girl, because then you only speak German and not English... but it's also cool, because you don't have do thinkg too much and it's much easier to get along with her =)
This morning we had sort of a procession throug the campus. So all swiss people where together and all german people and all itlian people and so on...With this "procession" we went to the Plumley hall were we had the first information and we finally got to know our teacher and our class for the next two weeks.
But now I have to leave for school, or better said more information and a tour through the Norwich univerity campus.
So I'm going to tell you more in some days, when I'm more used to the life here in the United States.
Samstag, 17. Juli 2010
In 18 hours I will leave Switzerland for 11 month, without knowing where I will end up, after the 2 weeks of camp in Norwich.
So in 15 hours I have to be at the airport in Kloten and say Goodbye also to my family...
At least I have finished packing by now (I have to admit, without my twinsister I wouldn't even have started :P), but I always fell like I have forgotten something... Gosh I hate that feeling!
And now it's time to say GOODBYE
and I seriously hope, that I have the time to write in here from time to time
So in 15 hours I have to be at the airport in Kloten and say Goodbye also to my family...
At least I have finished packing by now (I have to admit, without my twinsister I wouldn't even have started :P), but I always fell like I have forgotten something... Gosh I hate that feeling!
And now it's time to say GOODBYE
and I seriously hope, that I have the time to write in here from time to time
Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010
Hey everyone =)
I finally got the information about my flight, so I will fly on the 18th at 5:30 pm from Zurich to Boston. It's a direct flight =)
I will arrive in Boston at 19:30 om (local time) and then we will head over to the L&C camp, which will be in Northfield at the Norwich University.
Along with all that, I got my phone card, but I don't really understand how it is working...^^
Maybe I will post something when I'm in the camp, but I'm not sure about it... we will see. But I will tell you when I get my host family =)
I finally got the information about my flight, so I will fly on the 18th at 5:30 pm from Zurich to Boston. It's a direct flight =)
I will arrive in Boston at 19:30 om (local time) and then we will head over to the L&C camp, which will be in Northfield at the Norwich University.
Along with all that, I got my phone card, but I don't really understand how it is working...^^
Maybe I will post something when I'm in the camp, but I'm not sure about it... we will see. But I will tell you when I get my host family =)
Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010
Goodbye :'(
There are only two weeks until I leave for the US. But yesterday was the last day school and also the last time I saw most of my friends before leaving Switzerland.
Last Saturday I made a little Goodbye-Party, with almost my whole class and it was a very very nice evening.
Yesterday I got a book from my class, in which every member of the class wrote at least one page. It so cool, an I will absouletely surely take it to the United States.
This morning some friends (Fabii, Tabsi, Gia, Fränzi and Domi) and I went to Paul, because today it's his birthday. Before we went to watch the "Maienzug", this is a yearly festival in Aarau where all students (only to the 9th class) walk in all white clothes throug the town.
Afterwards I had to say Goodbye, because I won't see them again before leaving. I already miss them, even if they just walked out the door half an hour ago :'(.
This Afternoon we will leave for Holland. We will take my sister, who just finished an exchange year there, home, but before we will have one week to explore Holland =).
Last Saturday I made a little Goodbye-Party, with almost my whole class and it was a very very nice evening.
Yesterday I got a book from my class, in which every member of the class wrote at least one page. It so cool, an I will absouletely surely take it to the United States.
This morning some friends (Fabii, Tabsi, Gia, Fränzi and Domi) and I went to Paul, because today it's his birthday. Before we went to watch the "Maienzug", this is a yearly festival in Aarau where all students (only to the 9th class) walk in all white clothes throug the town.
Afterwards I had to say Goodbye, because I won't see them again before leaving. I already miss them, even if they just walked out the door half an hour ago :'(.
This Afternoon we will leave for Holland. We will take my sister, who just finished an exchange year there, home, but before we will have one week to explore Holland =).
Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010
Today I wrote with my "not-to-be-arrival mom" (I know it sounds quite stupid, bit I don't know how to say in another way :), just read on and you will know why I wrote it that way), so she told me a while ago that they aren't hosting this year and today, that they aren't even an arrival family...
When I asked my RC for somemore information she told me that they are still my arrival family. But I'm on the IEC's priority list of students, that need an host family as soon as possible.
So in the end I'm just really confused, because I'm not at all sure about what's going on. But at least if everything goes wrong, I can go to my not-to-be-arrival family.
Hope it will get clearer when I'm leaving
When I asked my RC for somemore information she told me that they are still my arrival family. But I'm on the IEC's priority list of students, that need an host family as soon as possible.
So in the end I'm just really confused, because I'm not at all sure about what's going on. But at least if everything goes wrong, I can go to my not-to-be-arrival family.
Hope it will get clearer when I'm leaving
Freitag, 18. Juni 2010
First post
Hey you =)
So first of all I tell you something about myself. I'm a fifteen year old girl from Switzerland. I like hang out with friends, unicycling, reading, watching TV, cooking (especially with my twin sister) and a lot more. I have got a brother and two sisters.
I made this blog, because I'll do a high school year in the US. I will leave on July the 17th/18th to the Language and Culture Camp in Norwich and afterwards I will move to my arrival family in Las Vegas. =)
I'm quite excited now because it's only a month left to go. But I've have school until July the 2nd, and then I'm going to the Netherlands for one week. So I can't think about it too much.
In this blog I will tell you all my experience during my high school year and I hope I can keep it up. =)
So first of all I tell you something about myself. I'm a fifteen year old girl from Switzerland. I like hang out with friends, unicycling, reading, watching TV, cooking (especially with my twin sister) and a lot more. I have got a brother and two sisters.
I made this blog, because I'll do a high school year in the US. I will leave on July the 17th/18th to the Language and Culture Camp in Norwich and afterwards I will move to my arrival family in Las Vegas. =)
I'm quite excited now because it's only a month left to go. But I've have school until July the 2nd, and then I'm going to the Netherlands for one week. So I can't think about it too much.
In this blog I will tell you all my experience during my high school year and I hope I can keep it up. =)
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